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Sunday May 19,2024

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Sunday May 19,2024

Post by fabricgirl » Sun May 19, 2024 4:00 am

Good Morning,

Today it will be 73โฐ outside and sunny .

I have most of my cat quilt cut out that's in my quilters world magazine .

Thats what I will doing today.
There is not much going on here I hope everyone has a great day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Sunday May 19,2024

Post by FlorenceM » Sun May 19, 2024 5:02 am

Morning Lois and all to follow,
I have been MIA, but everything is well. We've planted 30 trees without help of backhoe...we sold the Kubota tractor and bought a John Deere that needs some love.
A friend gifted me with fabric! Quilting fabric most 3 yards or better...so I've been washing and ironing it. I'm going to make a few tops and prairie skirts for church as I can't find anything I like in the stores.
Need to run to church

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Re: Sunday May 19,2024

Post by grammiequilts » Sun May 19, 2024 5:45 am

Good mornng Flo and Lois,, Flo I was hoping you didnt get lost in the forest you are planting. Lois another quilt already you and Maryz must be having races to see who can make the most quilts...I lost the race a long time ago.
I spent the entire day at the volleyball tournaments yesterday, It was fun but very tiring,,Sophia did well but the season for this team is over. She will resume school volleyball this fall. She is going on 14 going on 21...kids are so much more grownup these days...(I sound old)
my knee is getting worse,,,now I havr swelling to go with the cyst and the pain. I messaged my Dr this morning,,He will read his messages in the morning and get back to me sometime tomorrow. My foot and leg are swelling.
Today we have Bacculariate Mass at 2 ( pray the roof doesnt cave in with me in church) Nolan told his mom He has to wear his "wizard robe" to church. he also has a blue cord which means he maintained a 3.0 or better for his high school.
I have laundry to do so that will get done today in case I have to see ther Dr tomorrow...The Orthopedic guy probably would see me but I will check in with my primary first...see what he can do...I might need a water pill to get rid of this swelling,,( its always something)...
Well i need to get my hair combed and stuff done...3 tops and 3 batts and 3 tops sitting here need to be quilted...maybe this week not making any promises since we have graduation and family graduation dinner this week...and other events going on...hope you are all having fun,,,except for Flo since i know she is having a blast on her "farm" XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooo

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Re: Sunday May 19,2024

Post by purrfect-lady » Sun May 19, 2024 5:58 am

Good morning,

I talked to Sue and Cindy yesteday afternoon. They had wind/rain - up to 100 mph. But no hail, which was predicted and can be damaging. They both said it was mega scary but both came through with no damage to house, cars, or themselves, and neither one lost power. Both rode out the storm alone, in their homes. Sue's son lives only a couple blocks from her but she decided to stay in her own home. She had a lot of large trees in her backyard and will be picking up limbs and debris this week. Cindy has a much smaller yard with only a couple very small trees, so not a lot of aftermath at hour house. There is a lot of devastation in Houston, trees down everywhere, nearly half-million people without power, buildings & homes damaged, and at least 7 people killed. But Sue and Cindy are OK.

LOIS - I didn't know you were doing a cat quilt. I don't get that magazine. What is the pattern? I still have Cat Scratch pattern that I haven't done yet. One of these years . . . .

FLO - That's a lot of trees! You will have a forest soon! How great that you fell heir to all that fabric. I like prairie skirts.

LORI - and now you've got out your hexie quilt! hahahaha!! That Judi really started a hexi snowball rolling downhill, didn't she. How are you doing yours? I'm am THRILLED to be able to say that after 7 years I will have mine done today. I have about 3 more hours of stitching to finish joining the two halves of my quilt together. It will be about 60x78 I think. Mine is traditional GMFG but the colors are distinctly non=traditional. I just can't seem to follow rules.

JUDI - you snared in another one! Next you'll have us doing yo-yo's! :lol: Glad to hear you made it through Sophia's games yesterday. I always thought volleyball was fun. But all our grands played was soccer. Don't tell them but I thought soccer was the most boing sport. We did go to a few karate exhibitions but they weren't regular like team sports. So sorry to hear your knee is getting worse. The edema is concerning. I hope your doc gets back to you quickly. You might start freezing some meals if you can stand on your knee long enough to make them. Just in case you get laid up for a while.

TINA - that is odd about your finger. Why do you assume it's a side effect of the med? Is it, or anything similar, listed in the side-effects? I hope it's temporary thing. You need that finger! There is a condition called Dupuytren's Contracture which is much like you described. We have a friend that has it.

SHARONA - Tell us again just who the tee-quilt is for. Jim's birthday? If so, does he know it? I've forgotten just how many sisters you have other than several. Do all your names begin with "S"? I feel for your kitty-cat sister. When we lost our Snickers (our last sheltie) 11 yrs ago our hearts were broken. After about 3 weeks, one day I heard his tags jingling as he was 'coming up the stairs'. I started down the hall to tell Bill and met him coming out of his office. He was coming to tell me that he'd just heard Snickers tags! Still gives me goosebumps to think about it. We decided right then we needed another dog. Four weeks later 7-week old Scottie found us. It's hard to stay sad with a puppy in the house!

JANA - I hear ya on the scarcity of patterns! Remember when I couldn't find a shirt pattern for our grandboys' last year - you gave me one of yours. A very simple, classic shirt pattern. I couldn't find one! Glad you got just what the girls wanted. Lila's fabric sounds adorable. How old are the girls now? Seems they should still be babies, but if they are learning to sew, maybe not. My sis and I took sewing lessons at the Singer store all one summer when we were 9 and 10 years old. What a great Eagles project Andrew is doing - disc golf for girls' camp. Your receiving blanket sounds beautiful. I assume you are crocheting the lace at the edges?

CHRISS - what are you doing this weekend? How was the appetizer party?

Yesterday I got the binding done on the airplane quilt, cut out four more butterflies and got a short start on sewing them. In the evening I worked on the hexie quilt. Unless something stops me, I'll finish joining my two halves tonite. Then it will be ready for quilting! Hooray!! 7 years!! Not sure yet what I'll do with my hands in the evenings, but I'm sure something will pop up to keep them occupied. But for today, we have nothing planned. I will sew some butterflies and maybe do a few light uglies. Our weather is cool so probably won't be doing much outside.

Wishing all a good day!
mary z

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Re: Sunday May 19,2024

Post by WeSignificant » Sun May 19, 2024 7:02 am

Good morning, we will have a bit of a warm up today. Maybe to mid 70's but then heating up more later in the week. Worked a bit yesterday, stopped by the Vacaville shop and picked up the actual pattern for my mystery quilt. Having a time getting it to all fit together so glad they got the pattern in. I hear several girls had issues with block size also. Also picked up an Owl die for DGD owl quilt. I think it will make a nice label.

I have been working on getting a quilt cut. On one of DH fabric buying escapades, he bought some blue batiks. I found a pattern called Zen that I think will look nice in these fabrics. I have decided to take it to the retreat but may also pack a few UFO's as I tend to get bored easily and may need to switch off. I also made sure to pick up thread as I have forgotten the last few trips.

Maryz glad to hear Sue and Cindy faired the storm with no major issues. It has been a tough winter in many areas of the country. Didn't Texas just have significant flooding in some areas?

Judi so sorry to hear about that knee. I don't think the roof will cave in LOL. Ran into one of my quilters at the shop yesterday, she was headed to a graduation also. I haven't been to one in a few years now. My last graduates it was 2020 and of course there were no ceremonies then.

Flo yes sounds like a forest. You must have a huge amount of land. Don't trees need quite a bit of space?

Lois not a lot going on here either.

Chriss did you get your share of Carbs? I wonder if when you eat the carbs does it make you feel yuky? I have heard that carbs will do that. Especially the heavy breads.

Today will just be focused on retreat planning, maybe will cut my BOM too. DH cleaned the BR yesterday so I will not need to do that. Also need to work on this fabric that is still here there and everywhere.
Have a great day everyone.
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Re: Sunday May 19,2024

Post by auntjana » Sun May 19, 2024 7:25 am

Good morning!

Cloudy, but we'll be warm. Maybe a pop up thunderstorm this afternoon. No problem, I'll be home from church by then.

I got quite a bit done on the little blanket. Working on the last two sides for the crocheting. It's just a simple shell stitch I do, but to get there, it takes three rounds on the blanket .

Church is in a few minutes. I have Mr Grumpy already getting his act together to leave on time. He doesn't realize that he is slower than molasses in January, in a blizzard at the north pole! Our normal routine was to eat breakfast/brunch after church, but with his new routine with meds, he needs to eat before , so that has now added stuff for him and me!

Judi - I've ben in several Catholic churches and their roofs are very solidly built! No problem for you! Ouch the knee, I understand quite well!

My littles, Gracie, Lila and Karlie are growing up too fast. Gracie is 9, Karlie is approaching 9 and Lila just turned 6. Ethan is almost a teenager, he's 12 1/2. Andrew graduates in a week or so. The old one, my Stu is 27! Assorted other grandchildren are almost 12, and 14 and 16! My Baden is 8. There you have it!

Well, time for me to get going,

Hugs and prayers,

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Re: Sunday May 19,2024

Post by WeeOne » Sun May 19, 2024 8:02 am

Good morning from the Mtn.

MaryZ, Thank you for checking on Cindy and Sue. I was going to text, but didn't of course, busy busy here. Oh, and I'm proud of you toughing it out at a table of fish. :lol:

I have read all your posts and think of things I'd like to say, but just don't have time right now. The kids are up and will be leaving in a few hours.

Yesterday was another memory day. Kaylyn's party was nice. They did Mexican buffet on top of her Dad's covered pool table. Kaylyn gave a speech thanking her parents and other family members for helping her thru the years. Mom & Dad also gave comments. I helped her brother, Layne, with an unexpected gift. A while back I bought one of those car clips with a saying on it about angels protecting you as you drive, for a sister. After I bought it, I got to thinking that I had already given one to my sister a few years ago when she was still driving a lot. So, here it sat on my desk. I took a picture of it and asked Layne, on Thursday, if he would like to give it to Kaylyn. He was grateful for the suggestion. I took it yesterday and she was surprised when he said he had a gift for her. She gave him a big hug. Gift was perfect.

Layne talked to Capt. Grandpa and I, saying he would like to go to Canada with us. Whoa, love that he wants to go, but now I have a lot of planning to do. He first has to find out if he can do summer school remotely. Last year he had to go in and test after each section, so travel was out. His parents and I have told him if he gets the OK by whoever is in charge of summer school, then it's a go. Now this will require us flying him to Kansas just before we leave there. Then flying him back home the end of June. He has bowling league and will miss 3 weeks. He's done with school, so I told him to come up on Monday afternoon and he can help Grandpa cast some jigs and paint them. That helps me out, to not have to help. 3 weeks taken out of my sewing time, when not fishing, has me re-thinking what to take on the trip.

I hope you all have a great day.

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Re: Sunday May 19,2024

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sun May 19, 2024 8:37 am

Good morning my friends. It's going to be a marvelous day today. Hot, but marvelous.

My plan, work on the two smaller rooms and get them in shape so I can start on making my bedroom the sewing room. There is just so much stuff.

Tomorrow morning, I go get the window fixed in my car. A rock flew from my mower and hit the driver side door window just perfectly to shatter it.

Yesterday I cleaned up the glass from the window, what a mess. I went to a rummage sale and spent my evening sorting through totes of what I think is junk, but Marilyn will have fun looking through it all. I just wish she'd get her butt over here and go through it. But I guess when you are 21 you don't think like a 60 year old.

Judi, sorry you can't get an appointment sooner than July. But glad you have that rolling walker. I bought one for Jerry and he barely got a chance to use it. Congratulations to Nolen. What a great accomplishment.

Becca, so nice to have good screens, glad they are fixed. I need new window screens all around and plan to try to make my own if I find it is cost effective.

Lori, the hors d`oeuvres event was put on by Soroptimist. They do things to help girls. Provide prom dresses, scholarships, etc. It's a good club but very time consuming if you belong to it. I see you are working on your hexi's. Maryz is doing the same. My hexi's are someplace in this house in the mess I am calling organizing and rearranging. Perhaps when I am done moving things around, I will get to them. You do know that the hexi stuff is all Judi's fault.

Maryz, I would just love to see that big butterfly. Bet you're glad I don't live closer, that butterfly quilt, when done, would likely come up missing. The appetizer party was nice. Amazing how just a few bites can fill you up. My friend won a couple of raffle prizes, I won squat.

Tina, so glad the insurance approval came through. I found with Jerry it was quicker if I called the places doing tests and made the appointments rather than waiting for them to call me. I guess road rage is out of the question since you can't use that middle finger. My middle finger on my right had does the same thing. I googled it and read about trigger finger. There are exercises I can do with my hand to lessen the problem.

Valerie, high five to DH for cleaning the BR. Yep, sometimes eating too many carbs makes me feel yucky. But not always. crazy. Happy retreat planning. you will have fun. Our weather report says we will see 77 degrees today, not sure that is correct, but it would be nice.

Jana, my gosh your kids sure are growing up. Never expected that Stu would be so old. Wasn't he just a teenager?

Lyn, what a perfect day. The graduation party, the gift from brother to sister, and the surprise of getting to take Layne to Canada with you. I sure hope it all works out. Sounds like a perfect day.

All righty, looks like I need to get my day started. First breakfast. room squaring away. Would be nice if I could sweep any cement outside, but that might be a tomorrow job.

Dinner tonight might be spaghetti with zucchini noodles. I just wish zucchini wasn't so watery. Last nights dinner was baked chicken thighs, spinach and sliced tomato.

You all have a most wonderful day,
Proverbs 4:11-12

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Re: Sunday May 19,2024

Post by gershwin64 » Sun May 19, 2024 10:49 am

Good morning everyone ๐ŸŒž
Judi, sorry your knee is worse.
Maryz, my fingers all had this happen with that 2nd med, the others got better but this one is lingering.... it seems better today though. Strange huh.
Jana, wow your grands are really growing up fast, we still have a 21 month old but also a 16 year old and she thinks she's 30 I'm pretty sure.
Lyn, how fun to have a grand go fishing with you, I hope it works out.
Chriss, LOL my finger is Good sticking up it's just the bending it hurts to do ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ. Sorry about the mower and the window fight, guess the window lost huh.
Sorry I can't respond to everyone, we just got back home from Dad's, Frankie was making his tree wells bigger and I was watering and picking up trash and Easton wanted to come over again so I picked him up and he helped do things at Grampy's too..... it'll be a surprise because Grampy went to church. โ˜บ๏ธ
Easton wants chili dogs for lunch so that'll be lunch here and we have leftover ribs for supper and I'm thinking either asparagus or salad to go with them.
You all have a great day!
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Re: Sunday May 19,2024

Post by zfatcat » Sun May 19, 2024 11:25 am

Mary, I started this quilt back in 2009 or 20010. I think it's time it gets finished. lol And yes, it's Judi's fault that it came out of the closet. Thanks for the update on Sue and Cindy.

Chriss, I can see your house. Stuff everywhere. When I get to moving things, it gets crazy. Hopefully you'll have everything where you want it soon and can get back to more important things. Like Sewing. All philanthropic clubs are time consuming. There never seems to be enough volunteers.

Jana, the kids grow up too fast.

Val, retreats are so much fun. It's hard to decide what you want to work on though. Then you get there and see all the other projects and you want to start something new. lol

I got quite a bit done on my hexie quilt yesterday. Will try and get the last row of flower together and on today.

Dinner will be Chicken, mashed potatoes, and broccoli.

Have a lovely day.

Lori 8-)

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