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Happy Mother's Day May 12th

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Re: Happy Mother's Day May 12th

Post by maryq » Sun May 12, 2024 8:03 am

Good morning Girls

And wishes for a very Happy Mother's Day for you all! Such a beautiful morning and according to Alexa I might have to dig out some shorts! No more sweatpants as the daily uniform!

Judi... If my Shawn calls me for Mothers day it will only be because his wife reminded him! :lol: :lol: But that's okay, I know he's here for me every day of the year so I'll not be sad if he doesn't remember. Some kids are just like that you know. :lol: :lol: BTW I've now made 10 g-tube covers and have no idea what I'm going to do with them, but there sure were fun! Maybe I'll send them to you for Gracie! :lol:

Becca.... Your oldest son has a family of 25!!!!! Actually that sounds like my family when we were all together at holidays! How many kids does your oldest son have? and there must be some grandchildren?

Lyn... Thanks, now I have that song stuck in my head... "On the road again" by Willie Nelson---and I'm not a Willie fan at all!!!

Tinab... You are so right... one way or the other our mothers should get some credit for what we've become. I wear a necklace 24/7 that says "My Strength and my Guide" with my Mom's birthdate on the back. My sister had it made for me. That's what our Mom was to all of us and that is the sentiment that is on her headstone. A few of my nieces have that as a small tattoo. (I already had 2 tattoos so wasn't ready to do that again!)

Jana... Sounds like you have quite a project ahead of you... to re-pack everything for your new floors. When are they starting that project? I wish I could have done the floors etc before I moved in here, sure would have so much easier to get it all done ahead of time. I saw folks in my area post a lot of photo's of the northern lights on Facebook, but I missed seeing them!

Valerie.... LOVE the ingredient list, but there's no carb count! That's the only thing I read labels for :lol: :lol: Oh and grams of protein!

Maryz.... I'm leaving for Wisconsin on Thursday morning, whenever I'm up showered, dressed and ready to go. Need a stop at the bank and gas station first. Takes about 4 hours or so to get there and I know where every rest room is along the way. :lol: :lol: LOVE the airplane
quilt, this for a brother of the sail boat quilt right? I have the perfect fabric all lined up to make a sailboat quilt, the MQS tutorial one... it's on the list of things to do! Hope you have a marvelous time with Drew and Alex!

Valerie... OH how fun your DH took you to the jewelry store! One of my favorite places! I'm a nut for rings and have many of them. I love to buy a ring from places I visit, so I have them from Ireland and Scotland and Canada. Love the song... always did like Glen Campbell.
So true, "the hand the rocks the cradle rules the world" I just might have to find some Glen Campbell tunes on my Pandora radio!

Lois... Sounds like a fun day for you! Best part is spending time with Melissa and Billy and having DESSERT!!!

TinaR... You have a Mr. Squeek??? that does floors? where did you get him? Costco? Sam's Club, Walmart? I want a Mr. Squeek!! Well, I had one tho he didn't DO the floors he just complained when they were dirty! :lol: :lol:

Had the pleasure of having Kevin and Corinne for supper last night. Nolan had baseball practice so Sara was with him. He brought me my annual geranium plant ( let's see if I can keep this one alive) It's a gorgeous pink! Think I'll put it inside when I go out of town. Normally Katie and I take care of each other plants when one is gone, but she's going to be out of town too!

For now I'm going to grab a little more coffee, throw open a few more windows, get those darn floors mopped and then go play in the sewing room. It IS Mothers Day after all... should be a day of fun right!

Wishing you all A stupendous Sunday

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Re: Happy Mother's Day May 12th

Post by womster » Sun May 12, 2024 8:52 am


It is raining buckets here and our internet is spotty in solidarity to the weather. I hope you all have a wonderful Mother's Day! xoxo Sharon

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Re: Happy Mother's Day May 12th

Post by grammiequilts » Sun May 12, 2024 9:45 am

Maryq that would be awesome,,,Gracie's Mom would certainly appreciate it...xxxooo Allow me to cover postage,,,xxxooo

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Re: Happy Mother's Day May 12th

Post by zfatcat » Sun May 12, 2024 10:44 am

Happy Mother's Day. Hope everyone gets to enjoy their day.

I posted pictures of my attempt at mandalas. I like most of them. It was a great learning experience.
I will be doing more soon.

Tina, glad you are letting others do the dirty work.

Val, I have shelving cubes in the closet, and just recently bought Meori bins to put the fabric in. That way I can just pull out the entire stack without making a mess. For years the fabric was just stacked on the shelf, and every time I pulled something out it made a mess. This works so much better. I also have fabric in cardboard boxes. I tilt the up the stack the fabrics so I can see what's inside. I like it batter than plastic totes. I'm sure you will find a solution that works for you.

Maryz, the plan was to get an RV so we could travel with the pet. The only thing wrong, is DH doesn't like to go anywhere. He just wants to stay home all the time. So I travel with friends and it works out great. He stays home with the furry ones, and I have fun. It's a win/win.

Jana, it's such a big job moving everything for home improvements. I hope nothing gets broken.

Well the boys have been walked, so now to figure out what to do today. It will be something sewing related.

Have a lovely day.
Lori 8-)

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Re: Happy Mother's Day May 12th

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sun May 12, 2024 7:21 pm

Well that was a fun Mothers Day.

Drove over to have lunch with my son, dil, her brother and her mom. two and a half hour drive each way. it's not a hard drive but a long one it was an enjoyable day and I ate all the carbs.

I started cleaning out my sewing room yesterday. Not sure if I will finish it tonight ot wait until tomorrow. But I do plan on having it empty and hopefully cleaned up so I can turn it into an office which will make the junk room empty so it can become a bedroom.

Valerie, you're getting new rings and I'm wondering when I should take mine off. Nothing new on the baby front. Just know it's a boy due mid-September. I'm so ready.

Lori, I agree, my fabric is in plastic totes and I need to figure out a way to change that. I like the cardboard boxes so I can see it all idea.

Anyway, I'm beat. Think I will get my jammies on and put my feet up.

It was fun reading about your Mother's Day, sounds like a lot of fun was had in this group.

Have a fun night
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Happy Mother's Day May 12th

Post by gershwin64 » Sun May 12, 2024 9:15 pm

Hi everyone ☺️ I'm back.
The kids came over and Kevin cooked for all of us, he made Carne asada tacos and rice, it was yummy! Jazmyne made brownies for dessert, my favorite.
I had a really great Mother's Day ❤️

Maryq, yep I have a robot vacuum and he mops too and his name is Mr Squeeks after the Squeeks on Transformers, I'm a Transformers nut. Here's a pic of the Transformers Squeeks, mine isn't as cute LOL.

I also have a little separate mop robot that helps me a lot! I haven't named it yet.... I'm trying to decide.


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