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Thursday May 9

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Re: Thursday May 9

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Thu May 09, 2024 8:29 am

Good morning. It's going to be another gorgeous day today, just a smidgen warmer than yesterday.

Got some mowing and weeding done yesterday and that task is done for a while. I only have a few chores to do today and then it's going to be a play day. The only load of laundry I have is in the dryer. I want to load my car with donation stuff, and I'm hoping to get some stuff out of the spare room.

Received my new sewing machine yesterday and plan to play with it today. I'm pretty excited about it but my sewing room is just so packed full I haven't got anywhere to really set it up. So much clutter, but it will get done.

Lori, I think you'd love a riding mower. They are easy to use and maintain. I'm hooked. NO!!! I don't need any tablecloths. Didn't know tumeric was for joints. I also stop everything to check out a quilt pattern someone talks about. ugh.

Tina, I'm so sorry that that prescription caused so much pain. And that it took so long for the doctor to get back to you. Was it an allergic reaction? Jerry had a reaction to morphine and thought I was trying to poison him. That was awful. hope they can fix you soon. Yay for not having to cook.

Becca, you won a pie contest? what pie did you enter. how cool is that. I've never been to Chic Fil Lay but they do have them out here.

Tinab, good morning to you too. How are things?

Flo, glad the storm missed you. Working in the yard always makes for good relaxing afterwards.

Judi, like his clothes Ken is also a classic. Glad you got him to consider something new. I'll also be in the laundry room, see you there. Are you going to use that pizza oven?

Lois, lots of work to go through closets. Mine are pretty much done, now it's the rooms I am going through. The kitchen will be the most difficult, so much stuff that I don't use at all.

Jana, yuck, hope you can get that skunk out of there before he claims squatters rights.

Maryz, I have one of those very heavy crocheted tablecloths, it will be at the thrift store on Friday if you want to go get it. I also have one that is applique, and one that is cross stitched. All can be picked up after Friday at the thrift store. I do have one of those fold flat step ladders, it isn't tall enough for garage work, but I have often used it in the house. Marilyn often rode the mower with Jerry when she was little. She was in charge of steering. Hope the memorial service is nice.

Valerie, I'm not looking forward to the heat either. We are only supposed to see 75 today and 80 on Saturday. Guess I need to take the cover off of my A/C, just another thing to store.

Maryq, glad the labs came back in your favor. So nice to have things be ok. Have a fun day with that darn Peggy.

And now it's time for breakfast. A friend gave me some veggies from her garden the ther day and I mixed them all up and sauteed them in butter and put them over cauliflower rice. She asked me where my protein was and I told her I sprinkled parm cheese over the top.

I have chicken thawing for dinner, Perhaps I will add it to the leftovers from dinner last night to make dinner tonight.

The sooner I start my day the sooner I get to go play. You all have a fun day.
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Thursday May 9

Post by WeeOne » Thu May 09, 2024 10:28 am

Rainy and 53° in Nappanee.

The washing machine is being installed. I will do a couple loads this afternoon and see how it works. We have a front wheel seal that's leaking but they don't have time to fix. I will be calling Transwest, in Colorado, and seeing if I can get it in as soon as we get back.

I forgot to mention a sign I saw on our way up here, last week. I thought it was funny, it said "Random Crap Garage Sale."

Chriss, I take several vitamins and supplements, most suggested by our Dr. Garry takes several more than I do. The Dr took him off Metformin and put him on a supplement called CuraLin. It's much better and safer, no long list of side affects.

Yesterday's trip to Yoder's Dept store was a quick one. I found 2 pairs of Clark shoes and a pair of New Balance tennis shoes. I have narrow feet and take advantage of their good supply. Found a cup and saucer holder for a friend. I did buy some black and gradation teal fabric for a pineapple block, hoping to make a table runner for our Canada family. I picked up a book at an Amish QS that has a quick way to make Pineapple blocks.

I'm working on putting stuff on new phone.

Hope y'all have a great day.

Posts: 6740
Joined: Sat Dec 22, 2007 1:46 pm

Re: Thursday May 9

Post by Irishgram » Thu May 09, 2024 12:48 pm

Good morning from a chilly, dreary, SW. Pa....It's only in the 60s today and I'm ready to turn on the furnace...Yesterday was AC weather, today winter......I feel like a slug today, have no energy and if I did, probably wouldn't feel like doing anything..I was gone all day yesterday...My sister's DGD wanted us to ride up north with her to look at a camper..So she and her boyfriend in 1 car and my sister and i in another took off at 8:30 and she finally dropped me off at 6:00...The DGD told us, the camper was pretty close to where my sister's camp was and we had planned on stopping and checking...WELL, following DGD's GPs, we ended up going miles out of the way (did see some gorgeous scenery) but we finally found the place...They did buy the thing and then my sister wanted to follow them back home just to make sure everything was Ok and once again, they had to use the GPS....Give me an old fashion map and I'm happy...Love reading maps...But, when we stopped for breakfast at our favorite restaurant, Punxy Phil's, they told us they were closing and Sunday was their last day...This is terrible, this is where we stop on the way to camp and then coming back...Awful when you have to change or break in a new routine!

MaryZ, I'm getting excited about your airplane quilt, can't wait to see it....Having a bunch of AirForce fellows in the family kind of gets to you...AND May is a good month for birthdays...My Nick's b'day was on Sat. and my oldest DGD's b'day is on the 16th...But, in this family, every month is a good month, there's always a birthday....You folding Bill's clothes had me thinking of when the kids were all still at home...They're bedrooms were on the 2nd floor and I'd fold and put their clothes on the steps going up..I never looked in their closets unless when cleaning the room, I couldn't get the door shut, lol When the older 4 left and Terry was in college, he took over the 2nd and 3rd floors of our house...Everything he brought home for the summer would be put in one of the bedrooms and another he made into a music room and the whole 3rd floor was for games, we even had 2 pool tables up there (which was interesting getting them out when we moved)....But, I still miss that house, often have dreams and so many, many great memories......

Chriss, I'm really impressed that you've taken to that rider so quickly...Good for you, you are really tackling and accomplishing alot..When we were 1st married we lived on the farm with my Mom and Jim did most of the farming...Our oldest wasn't very old and Jim would put him on the tractor with him and most times, it didn't take long before young Jim was sound asleep..Can't wait to hear about that new sewing machine......How was the dinner with the strawberries? I'm thinking, for sure, I'll be having some this weekend, I sure hope so, I've given enough hints, lol.....

Tina, sure hope the doctors get your meds right and you'll soon be feeling back to normal...What kind of tests will you be having? Love to read about your family and what all you do with them....Lots and lots of good memories in the making.....

MaryQ Every time you mention Darn Peggy, I just picture you 2 off getting into some sort of trouble but having fun....Glad to hear your numbers are good....It used to be a lot of mumbo jumbo to me but now, I do pay attention..What ever you 2 are up too, hope it's a good day.......

Judi, I understand what you mean about the "classics"...Jim actually had a dark green suit that hung in the closet for so many years and he always said, he was saving it to be buried in! It was a hard decision to go against him but there was no way, he was going to spend eternity in that "classic".....But, he also had Notre Dame sweat shirts that should have been tossed years ago but he (we) couldn't part with them..In the end, all the kids took their favorites.....
You knee doctor's appointment is coming up, isn't it? Praying for good results.....

Jana, Oh My, don't blame you for evicting that creature...Terry in Tenn. has a few near him and he says, they do keep the yard free of some nasty things but not good to have them living too close...My next door neighbor, Dee, has a ground hog that sleeps on her back porch...Each morning, I'll hear her out telling her "guest" that she really doesn't want him there..Last year, she trapped one and then took it for a ride and said, that's what she'll probably have to do again....But, if she sees 1, there has to be lots more... Great to get your project started...How long will it take for your deck? I had Kevin measure to have the wooden spindles on my back deck replaced with the white things...Just something to add to my list, lol....

Well, I guess I really should get moving...So far that energy spurt hasn't hit but I do need to do something....Have been hearing about all the terrible storms and a tornado did hit about 20 miles from me...One fellow had 12 trees blown down in his yard but thank goodness no one was injured......Sending prayers for all those who have been affected by those storms....

Not sure what my supper will be...Do have left over meat loaf so maybe a hot sandwich with gravy.....Also have some bananas that need taken care of so maybe banana nut bread...Wish I could find that long lost energy pill!

You all have a great rest of the day...................

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