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Tuesday May 7,2024

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Tuesday May 7,2024

Post by fabricgirl » Tue May 07, 2024 5:32 am

Good morning,

It going to be a beautiful day the sun is already out and it's going up to 80⁰ today.

Yesterday I finished up my Juice pop quilt and finished the laundry as well.
Today we have some errands to run then I will come home and work on Bill's quilt.

Well this will be my day I hope yours is a good 1.
Prayers to all.

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Re: Tuesday May 7,2024

Post by grammiequilts » Tue May 07, 2024 5:43 am

Good Morning Lois, I was up at 6 but didnt even get moving till after coffee. I am doing some chores...dusting and run the vacuum , then I will bake some bread and maybe hamburger buns for supper. I need orange juice and a couple of things but might let that go til tomorrow. I will make a few more g tube covers and get that project done. We have lots of things in the works here, Nolan's Baculaureate Mass and graduation, his family graduation dinner, My son I thin is finally ready to move the camper,,,(Lots of thing sget in his way too) We have multiple Dr appts and that will take care of May....On the 30th I will go stay at Colleen's fpr the week while they go away. ( teen agers need grammie) so looking at my callender I look pretty popular...always something going on...Of course a lot depends on what the Dr says next friday. I am praying it is an easy fix but we all know about how that goes....I will be fine as long as i can drive...
Well thats it for me..Hope you all have a great day,,,full bobbins,,,and all We are at 50 and will be cool for the day almost 80 tomorrow,,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Tuesday May 7,2024

Post by purrfect-lady » Tue May 07, 2024 6:31 am

Good morning,

I'm late this morning, but not as late as a few of you other early risers! After several sleepless nights I caved in and took a Tylenol PM. Felt so good to sleep past 3am.

JUDI - A tostada would be a different choice for me. My usual Mexican go-to is chile relleno with rice & beans. On your G-tube covers, it's not the tube you are covering but the insertion site with a small circle of fabric with the center cut out to encircle the tube like a Christmas tree skirt? How many layers of fabric do you use and how big do you make your circle? I am eager for your dr appt to see what he has to say. Your dance card looks pretty jammed up for May! It's good to be popular, no?

IRISH - thinking of all your bags of mulch that you have to lift makes my back hurt! Maybe we could just call them bags of marshmellows instead? And your burning bushes are growing out of the ground? Isn't that what they are supposed to do?? You sound like you have a huge yard for a mobile home park. It must be a beautiful park if everyone's yard is a pretty as you make yours sound!

JANA - so sorry about you having to finally go to the eye shots. My DBIL has been getting them for some years now, also 5-6 weeks apart. It really controls their traveling plans and ours, too, when we travel with them. Every other winter they spend in FL so he has a dr there that does the shots. I was so sorry to hear UT lost an officer. May 15th is law enforcement memorial day, nationwide. I'll be saying a prayer for him and for his family. In fact, we're going to a service on Thursday to comemmorate the day.

CHRISS - Several of our friends have such a lot of JUNK. And of course, our hoarder friend, too. Whenever we are at any of their houses, we both come home inspired to purge. And we do. I have one last box to fill and then my trunk will be full of boxes to donate. That being said, I stopped at Goodwill yesterday and came home with a bag of goodies! haha! I'm my own worst enemy! Our soup last night was tasty, more veggie than bean. I found leftover diced cooked pork tenderloin in the freezer so I added that, but when I buy kielbasa I usually get Hillshire Farms. There's not much choice in the grocery store.

SHARONA - Our grocery store used to sell some bulk herbs & spices - but not any more. I think they saw $$ going out their sliding doors! Have to say, you probably should save that 46 yr old can and send it back to the company. They might have a display case in their factory lobby for such ancient items! lol! Hope your dad's MRSA sores clear up quickly. Bill's mom had same issue. So let me get this straight - your hubby gets a haircut and you get to eat out?? Same thing when my DBIL gets his hair cut - my sister gets supper brought home to her. I think I'm missing out. Maybe it's because Bill's hair is so thin, it doesn't qualify as a food-getting haircut??

MARY Q - I use all those spices/herbs that you mentioned plus a few others. I'm no gourmet, but I do have a chart taped to the inside of my spice cabinet door about which ones go in what foods. What I'd like to learn is how to use basalmic vinegar in things besides salad dressing. I have a big bottle from Costco because it cost what a little bottle does at regular grocery, and I'd like to use it up before I die. I've never heard of chicken cheese soup. I make white chili now and then using chicken and white beans. I like it better than regular chili.

TINA - sounds like you are obeying dr's orders. Good for you! Glad the kids came to help you with the house cleaning. Any updates from the dr? Dates for those extra tests? Do you know what tests he wants you to have?

VAL - I thought I was the president of the insomnia club. Sorry you joined. Mostly I tough it out, read, or just get up early. Regular IBU will help me sleep but I really don't like to take a lot of it, nor do I want to become dependent on a sleeping aid. But last night I caved and took a Tylenol PM and slept soundly but woke groggy. I hate that, too! Sounds like none of us got our kitchen floors done yesterday despite all our good intentions. The good news about that is floors are patient - they will wait for us, getting dirtier all the time, which will give us a better sense of satisfaction when we finally do get to them. See?? Good news! My airplane blocks are 6.5". I want the quilt in the range of 40x60 inches. I figured if I add a narrow inner border and a larger outer border, I can get away with 40 blocks. I want to find enough airplane fabric now for the border. I have a lot of novelty fabrics but no planes. I guess I could just use more sky fabric . . .

LYN - how did your day go? Do you have to find something to do - some place to be - for all day while they work on the MH? Is this just usual annual maintainence or do you have some issues that need to be fixed?

LOIS - You already finished your juice pop quilt??! That was fast! How big is it going to be? I saw one on FB last night and it was about twin or double bed size.

Yesterday I cut out all my little airplanes and got a short start on sewing. We had dental appts, then I did a few errands, stopped at the post office to mail lotto blocks, and hit the Goodwill just for fun. I found a couple of books, a few videos, a sundress, lounge-around pants, and a top. No baby clothes or fabric this trip. I also made a big pot of bean & "refrigerator" soup. Come suppertime, I was in my lounge chair with a cat on my lap so Bill had to serve me. Some days it's really good to be me. Today's plan is to sew, pretend I can't see my kitchen floor, and figure out what else to do/not do. Leftover soup is on the menu for tonite.

Make your day a good one!

mary z

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Re: Tuesday May 7,2024

Post by auntjana » Tue May 07, 2024 7:13 am

Good morning!

Well, it's raining with a spitting of snow mixed in. One more day of this weird weather. The storm that brought all the snow on Sunday, decided to slip back from it's easterly journey to bring us a bit more snow tomorrow.

My eye is fine. This Dr was very good and I never saw the needle. The shot was given in the outside, lower corner. The only weird thing was seeing this clear fluid,, the medication, on the inside of my eye! That was only a brief moment. But still strange.

Stu starts his new job this morning. He's working at a call center, handling tech calls and the like. It just down the road a bit, so not a long commute.

Hopefully , as the paperwork goes through on Aaron's house, it will close at the end of the month. That's the plan. The new house has the foundation poured, they've backfilled the dirt and the framing will start this week. Framing is a quickie, it's the finish work that takes time. Looking around August/September to be done. Today is the house inspection for the loan. The people buying the house are using a VA loan, so they are veterans, a very nice thing!

Not much else here. I'm going to play in the Batt Cave and sew a bit 9n projects. I am down to being only the back up driver in getting littles at school. No more Wednesday runs. I do have a dilemma of sorts - with getting new floors here in a couple of weeks, do I wash the kitchen floor, run the vacuum or just plain ignore all that? The current flooring is scheduled to start being ripped out shortly. Hummmm, I'm leaning towards the ignore option.

Hugs and prayers,

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Re: Tuesday May 7,2024

Post by maryq » Tue May 07, 2024 7:24 am

Good morning Girls

Not much in the way of sunshine here this morning, so if any of you have any to share, send it on up! It might come out later today I see by the weather app on my phone, and warm up to 70... sounds perfect to me!

Lois.... I posted the picture of your popsicle quilt this morning! It's so darn cute, and I have lots of white fabric on hand and would have fun digging through all sorts of scraps to use up, but alas.... I better put it farther down on the TO DO list and work on my UFO list first! But how fun would that be to make for a nice summery quilt!

Judi... Just for grins I googled on Etsy, where I find a lot of my embroidery designs and there are a ton of g-tube cover patterns!! There's even a set of Christmas ones! I had no idea there were so many options of shapes and sizes. I think I'm going to check with the Children's Hospice home, I bet they could use some of those as they do a lot babies and kids with tubes. When I work on the embroidery machine, I get that all set up and just roll back and forth between it and the regular machine.

Maryz.... The idea for purging and taking stuff to Goodwill is to get rid of it... not bring more stuff home!!! Didn't you get that memo? That being said, Katie and I are having a garage sale the 1st weekend of June and on the 16th of May I'm going down to Wisconsin for the Rummage Along The River sale.... so who am I to talk!!! If you could see my garage you know I have NO business buying anything!!! I'll send you the recipe for my chicken-cheese soup, but be sure to have Velveeta cheese on hand---I know it's sound gross, but it's really good and freezes perfectly.

Jana.... I've seen lots of ads on TV for medications for WetMD, Nice to know that the shots aren't painful at all. Hope you get great results.

Chriss... That's the thing about cleaning and purging.. you can't move one thing without moving a hundred other things first. And then even thinking about moving that 100 things is so overwhelming! But you've gotten a lot of things done so far, but remember it isn't a race... do it at your own time and save some play time. I used to love rainy days because it meant I Didn't have to go mow and weed whack.

Sharon... Sorry to hear about your Dad, but glad he's getting meds. Frustrating thing about medical care these days, it seems to take forever for one Dr to recognize what's going on and do something about.

Irish.... I'm with you 6:00 am is just too darn early! But if I lay around in bed past 8:00am I feel like a lazy slug and that I'm wasting good sewing time. When I first retired I took a nap almost every day, but the older I get, the less I want to waste time.

Guess I better get in gear. Today I go to the DR for my annual "old lady check up" thankfully since I don't have those "parts" I won't need a pap test! :lol: I'm a little concerned as all of a sudden I'm losing hair on my head!! I guess it happens when you get old, but I sure hope it's just old age and not something else. Even my beautician noticed when I got my hair cut a couple weeks ago. I ignored the kitchen all day yesterday while I finished up one little quilt top I had been working on and got a lot done on a 2nd one. You know, I just get in that sewing room and I forget everything else around me! Y'all are welcome to come and visit but give me at least 2 weeks notice so I can make sure everything is "company ready"

Wishing y'all a Tremendous Tuesday!

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Re: Tuesday May 7,2024

Post by womster » Tue May 07, 2024 7:56 am

Good morning!

Lois – your day sounds delightful. Wow – we haven’t seen 80s since last year. I’m still wearing long-sleeved shirts.

Judi – sorry about your knee and hips paining you – I also hope it’s an easy fix. Your calendar must be bursting at the seams! Bent tacos – ha! Love that description. Yes, even teenagers need their grammie.

Maryz – oh you made me chortle. Jim’s haircut is way across town, and is next door to the sister restaurant we used to eat it before we moved. Same delicious food. The lady who works the takeout counter always yells out “JIM!” when he walks through the door. All 4’8” of her. It is a nice treat every five weeks. So do you cut Bill’s hairs? Oh I love balsamic vinegar. There’s a recipe in this month’s Costco mag (for a salad, sorry) that uses that with strawberries and mini mozzarella balls and pecans. Yum! Too funny about the cat in the lap.

Jana – I vote to ignore the floors. A little bonus for you. Hope Aaron’s house inspection goes well.

Maryq – I can’t believe it’s already time for the Rummage along the River! Best of luck on your annual. Sorry you’re in the losing hair club. I go to a dermatologist at the end of the month to see what’s up with that. My nails are also peeling like onions. I like the two weeks notice for company.

Today is Costco and DH is ready to go so I best get at it. I have to change into my ‘outside’ bra (underwire) and trade the sweat pants for jeans. That’s as dressed up as I get. Still blowing up a storm out here. Have a glorious day! xoxo Sharona

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Re: Tuesday May 7,2024

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Tue May 07, 2024 9:19 am

Good morning. What a beautiful day it's going to be today. I plan to give my yard one more weed whacking thanks to Mother Nature and her choice to dump almost an inch of water making things grow again. Hoping she is done causing problems for me.

After that my plan is to try to work in the garage. If I can clear a path, I can have someone pull down totes for me to go through. I will also need help putting some of them back up on the shelves when I am done. Things are just too high and too heavy for me.

I was able to empty two totes of table linens. My final load is in the washer now and I am pretty sure I am going to just donate all of them. My grandma hosted most holiday dinners and her table sat 8 with the card table for the kids she often had a dozen people in her dining room. These are big tablecloths with matching napkins. And way too big for my little 4 person table. I am sure some were made and some were bought. Lots of lace, tatting, doilies and crocheted items. But what am I going to do with it all? And it's been stored in the garage for more than 20 years.

O'Dorothy, I had an aunt who made the most wonderful strawberry pie. It was made with a regular pie crust but she used cream cheese too. Hope you get your Mother's Day slice of pie and love it.

Judi, I will get that floor one day, just not soon. I've been wanting it for a long time. While it's on the list it isn't at the top. Love that Ken's tostada is folded, and your taco is flat. Those grands will always cherish the grammie moments they have with you. Prayers for Friday's appointment.

Lois, I am wanting to see the juice pop quilt. I'll go check out the picture scion when I'm done here. Thanks for leaving the laundry room open.

Maryz, 40x60 is a great size, yay for getting the airplanes cut out. and yay for finding treasures for yourself at the goodwill. I also shop after I donate, guess we're like twins that way. Purging does feel good. And I would rather get rid of it so my kids don't have to. Your soup sounds good. Just had a friend bring me some stuff from her garden. I really don't eat as much as I used to. The other day at the fruit stand I bought bell peppers and forgot that I can't eat them all by myself. Some will hit the freezer.

Jana, hard decision about the kitchen floor. I vacuumed my kitchen floor yesterday (instead of using a broom) then mopped it, looked and decided that it was good enough. Feel free to use my method if you like.

Maryq, I once had been losing hair. Even Biotin didn't help. The lady who cut my hair said it was probably stress related. I had clumps of hair fall out. I do take a lot of down time. My goal is to have things in order by the end of the year. I think that is a fair deadline. Afterall, it's only been a month. Enjoy what sounds like will be a beautiful day for you.

Sharona, I found a sports bra at Costco. It must have been a two pack and I love them. I think we should head on over to Mary's and go with her to rummage on the river.

My last load is in the dryer and I will have some breakfast while it dries. Then I will go outside to play in the yard. Hoping you all have a cup runneth over day.

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Re: Tuesday May 7,2024

Post by gershwin64 » Tue May 07, 2024 9:44 am

Good morning everyone 🌞
Lois, your quilt is so cute, love it! What pattern are you doing for Bill's quilt?
Judi, I'm glad you are so popular ❤️ Dad's having bad problems with his knees and he's seeing the Dr today, I told him about the Kinetix that Becca had done because he doesn't want to go through another knee replacement, he didn't have good luck with his first one and it's hurting him bad again..... anyway the closest to us is in Tucson, 3&1/2 hours drive one way....but he's thinking about it instead of knee replacement, just a thought in case you're interested.
Maryz, glad you finally slept last night. No news yet, they're waiting for insurance to approve because when they didn't admit me when I went to the ER now he has to treat me as an outpatient and there's certain orders of things that have to be followed. He was upset at the ER Dr to say the least. This 2nd new med kicked my hiney yesterday, gave me a whopper of a headache, it says in the info that means it's working.....I hope I don't have one everyday all day like yesterday. I am spacing it farther apart from the other this morning and seeing if that helps.
Jana, Kevin worked at a call center once for one of the tv providers, he was tech support too, he liked it for the most part I hope Stu does too.
Maryq, I have extra sunshine I'll send you, we're going to be 84* today but another dirt blowing day, it was bad bad yesterday. I don't usually buy anything for inside anymore but it sure is hard to pass up outside things.
Sharona, still no 80's, we've already hit 90* last week. I'm afraid our winds aren't going to stop anytime soon, we're having 6 straight days, it's bad. I've been losing my hair since I had Kevin, I have about a third of what I used to have.
Chriss, an inch of rain?! How lucky you are! Send me some please ❤️ I don't sweep my floors I vacuum them and then mop, the vacuum cleans better than my sweeping any day LOL. What if you take a tote and take everything out and if nothing you want then just load the whole tote up to donate? Just a thought. You could have a "keep" tote for what you want to keep 😊 Our garage is pretty easy, Kevin wants everything LOL he even wants the 2 running tractors and the one International that needs restored. He'd actually like the little tractor, it's a Gibson that was his Grandpa Remondini's. It has levers instead of a steering wheel and it has 5 attachments that go with it. Our big tractor is a 58 Oliver and it's a farm row tractor and it has a huge mower attachment, discs, different blades for dragging and leveling and a harrow...... you'd think we are farmers 🤣😂 but no, they're Frankie's toys that he uses on our 5 acres to clear weeds. Maybe a Senior Center might like the tablecloths and napkins? The do little events here at ours and dress the tables, or maybe a church?
Yesterday was a totally worthless day for me, the headache had me down for the count and I didn't even get the laundry sorted, I did make my beans and ham and cornbread, it was yummy! I think we'll have a bowl for lunch today, tonight is pizza night and little league if it's not cancelled from the winds, at least in town they don't have the blowing dirt. The little league fields are right behind our hospital. I already sorted laundry and Frankie will get it washed and dried and I'll do the folding and hanging and he'll do the putting away, it's a team effort.
Preston had to have braces and spacers put on yesterday, his lower teeth are overlapping his upper teeth. I hope he does ok with them, he's a pretty tiny guy and when he was 2 he had to have caps put on all his teeth in the hospital under anesthesia because his teeth just crumbled. He's not allowed to bite anything for at least a year, everything has to be cut up little bite size for him.
You all have a great day!
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Re: Tuesday May 7,2024

Post by zfatcat » Tue May 07, 2024 11:04 am

Lois, your popsicle quilt is really cute.

Judi, sounds like you have a full calendar. Hope you get a few hours to relax and sew.

Maryz, the plane quilt will be darling. Oh yes, the cat in the lap rule. lol When I'm at the computer desk, I have to pull over a chair for the cat so she doesn't stand on my lap. She's happy just being next to me. I reach over and pet her frequently.

Jana, I say leave the floor. You're probably the only one who will notice. Glad your eye is doing well.

Maryq, I too have lost hair. I use a shampoo bar with natural ingredients now and it seems to be a little better. There are so many chemicals in shampoo it's crazy.

Chriss, I purged table cloths a few years back. I did keep one with the napkins. It's linen and had all kinds of stains on it. It soaked it in Retro Clean and they all came out. It's got hand embroidery on it and I just couldn't part with it. I might soon though. Glad you are getting things done. Sounds like your garage is quite a sight to see. Jerry wanted to make sure you had something to do after he was gone.

Tina, sounds like a bad headache. I don't know if I could handle that. I've had migraines and they are debilitating.

Yesterday since you all didn't do the floors, I did mine. Vacuumed and mopped. I also wiped down the kitchen cabinets and drawer fronts. I was tired after all that. I was sleeping so well last night and Jack woke me at 0230 to go out. I went right back to bed and fell asleep. As soon as I did he barked at something and woke me again. I didn't go right back to sleep after that, so I'm a bit tired today.

I'll do a little straightening up, then maybe sew a bit. I need to figure out what project I want to work on. Most of my quilts at in the waiting to be quilted stage. I also need to check on my dad. Someone asked how close he lived. We live on the same street about a block away. I can see his driveway from my front yard.

Bill's golfing, so well have a late lunch when he gets home.

Have a lovely day.

Lori 8-)

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Re: Tuesday May 7,2024

Post by WeSignificant » Tue May 07, 2024 3:30 pm

Well better late than never! Decided I needed to make some progress in cleaning this AM before work so my bathroom vanity and the potty are both clean. DH will need to do the tub. I have fabric picked out for a project to work on at the retreat, my CPR class is scheduled and I have extended the car rental by 2 weeks. I have also visited with 3 patients. Now waiting for the estimate guy to show up.

Lois love the popcicle quilt. Just what a girl needs on a warm day. We are right behind you Lois, we will be 80 by the end of the week. Oh gosh, I didn't get that laundry done, this evening I promise!

Judi congratulations to the graduate. Such a wonderful accomplishment. What is his degree in?

Maryz maybe I will try a Tylenol PM when I am next off my night shift. That is part of the problem is durng the week I cannot take anything in case I have to drive somewhere. We must be twins, I always order Chile Rellano at Mexican places. Uhm plane fabric is not something I have either.

Jana Dad got those shots for a while, he went from I think every 4 weeks to every 16 weeks before we had to stop them when he got ill. They don'st hurt because they numb your eye.

Maryq my GYN told me if I have always had a neg pap, after 62 you no longer need to have them. Risk of cercial cancere in the elderly is low in those women who have had healthy GYN visits. You never know, I may be scheduling a cross country trip and my nephew is pretty close to you I think.

Sharona I am with you, I do not dress up! If I have to wear a dress I am not going. I need to be comfortable. Sweats and scrubs work for me, jammies when I get home from work.

Chriss reminds me of my Grandma. Always had lace on the table, fancy napkins. At one point I had a bunch of doilies but have gotten rid of most of them. My hair has thinned over the years but so did my Mom's. Figure it's hereditary. Time to start thinking about sun screen when outside, don't forget.

Tina my garage needs lots of help! Way too much stuff in there. Thinking of Preston, boy that sounds painful. Team effort is the way to go.

Lori sure glad somebody did the floor. I did vacuum mine but that is it. Did you get any sewing done?

Well the insurance estimate guy was just here. He now has to send me some information and also send it to the body shop so I can take it and get it worked on. Paid another two weeks for the rental. All I got so say is it's a good thing I have been working two jobs! He will check with the other insurance company as I have not heard from them. Hoping they are planning on paying, mine is right now but they need to recoup the $$. Wondering if my insurance is going to go up.

Well need to call my patients for tomorrow, only 2 so finish my charting in the morning and see patient's in the afternoon. Have a good evening everyone.
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