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May 6th

Daily discussions.
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Re: May 6th

Post by auntjana » Mon May 06, 2024 10:47 am

Good morning!

Been home awhile from my eye Dr appointment. I do have wet macular degeneration. Dr started treatment today. I can barely make out the keys to type, as they dilated my eyes. I had more drops put in than I ever had my entire life. Then came the treatment. A shot in my eye with the medication. Now that sounds horrid, but it was totally painless. I had talked myself into doing this because of necessity and figured that the pain would short, but there was no pain at all. Just as the Dr said. So I will need to do this again in 5 weeks and they will check to see how the eye is healing. If this works as he thinks, the intervals between shots will be stretched out. So doing much today is not on the docket.

It's been a sad day here in Utah, as a officer on duty was killed. He had started a traffic stop on a semi, who then drove off, turn around that semi on the freeway and returned and hit and killed the officer and injured another. Currently there's a processional returning the officer home. Hard to watch, being the mom of one in law enforcement and fire too.

Well, I apologize for typing and spelling errors,
Hugs and prayers,

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Re: May 6th

Post by Irishgram » Mon May 06, 2024 11:43 am

Good afternoon from a warm, but semi sunny, SW. Pa....We have had rain and it's supposed to continue for another 4 days but, in between the rain drops, it's pretty nice...I do have clothes hanging outside and as soon as I finish lunch, I'm actually going to go out and play in the dirt...
Becca, I know quite well how heavy those gardening bags can be...I had 15 bags of mulch in the car and I stacked them in front of my shed but when I decide to spread, I'll use the wagon to haul a couple bags at a time, unless Kevin is around and he can help...I also have 10 bags of top soil to spread around...My burning bushes are growing out of the ground so they need help.....
What kind of plants did you get? We used to have a huge garden but that's when I canned but any more, I might just plant 2 tomato plants in big buckets and keep them on my back deck. (within easy reach, lol).....Kevin still has a fair size garden and will keep me supplied with goodies...Thinking back, we used to plant pumpkins in my flower beds and have the kids etch their names in them when they were very small and what a thrill to see them when they were big....

MaryZ, that baby quilt will be gorgeous and well loved....Love blue and yellow together and would you believe, I have never made a blue or yellow anything...Maybe with the new baby, I can do green and yellow, need to think about it.....I really should go through my spices and dump most of them...I was never a spice user, just the regular ones, but Kathy does it all...Not sure how she learned to cook, surely not from me.....

Jana, so sorry you have to go through these treatments....Many, many prayers that it works...The eye is a magical part of your body, quick to heal and many don't know, you can touch your eye and it doesn't hurt...Working with the doctors taught me alot, I was amazed...My favorite story was when I was fitting and teaching contacts and I'd be sitting across from the patient...I didn't need glasses or contacts at the time and it was when the colored contacts 1st came out...I had a plano pair in every color and I'd put 1 color in 1 eye and a different in the other eye just to see how long it would take that patient to notice...Loved working with those doctors and still have dreams about the office.....

Val, sorry you didn't get to go to Lina's birthday party...I hadn't heard from Kathy, (maybe she's snowed in, lol)...But, I did see on the news, Donner's Pass was closed unless you had chains....the 1st time we were out there, it was well into summer and there was still snow on the mountains...I'm hoping to get out there sometime this summer, if I can catch her at home.....Sorry to hear your insomnia is giving you fits...Nothing worse than being awake in the middle of the night while everyone else in the world is sleeping...Maybe you need a glass of wine and then think only happy thoughts (easier said than done, I know)..Or do you read? I read for a couple of hours before turning the light out....

Lyn, Oh my, 6:00 AM is the middle of the night! My body doesn't function until close to 8:00 and then it's still sometimes dragging, lol....If I got up that early, my poor BabyGirl would be so confused, would just mess up her whole napping routine.....I do love to hear about your travels, so exciting and hard to keep up with, lol.....

Judi, did you get to that new doctor about your knee yet or did I miss it? Kevin has been telling me, his is feeling better but he still uses the Voltarin every once in awhile...He has been doing alot of walking, plays golf 4 mornings a week without a cart and is trying to keep active and he thinks, it's helping his problem....Years ago, he was a runner, ran the Pittsburgh marathon one year and I think that's where his problem started, but you know, most men have a mind of their own, lol.....
What a good friend you are for doing those G-tube covers....And what a great idea....

Chriss, I thought of you the other day while I was shopping....There were baskets of strawberries and I was so tempted but came home with out...But, we do have a restaurant that makes the best strawberry pie and the next time I'm out, I'm getting my piece of pie...One year, they had a sign out for Mother's Day and it said, "Your Mother called and wants a pie" so of course Kathy had to get me a pie and she did so until she moved, then she had Dan pick up one...Now, I just need a piece, not a whole pie, lol......Glad to hear "old" Moose is better...Just don't let Baby Girl hear you say, "old", she'll be 13 in July......After all that cleaning and rearranging, you need a night out along with your strawberry and whipped cream....Enjoy!

Well this isn't getting me outside and by the way, no one has come by and done my kitchen floor either...But, I'm going to hold out another day or so....I have a meat loaf in the oven and might have a baked potato or maybe just a veggie.....

You all have a great rest of the day..........

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Re: May 6th

Post by grammiequilts » Mon May 06, 2024 5:26 pm

Just back for a look see...you all seen busy as usualy. I had tostadas at the mexican restuarant Im not very creative,,,I like them with just beans and cheese, They were good. Ken had a taco dinner same as mine but mine are flat his were bent...
Maryz It takes about 20 minutes to make a g tube cover...I have a dozen made...Mine are not fancy just a circle..
Maryq..I did find a embroidery pattern for them with a 4x4 hoop I didnt get it I havent had my embroidery machine set up for almost a year now...I do make labels but not the patterns/ If your interested you might want to contact a GI Drs office that deals with kids and see if they want some...Like you have all this spare time...LOL.
Dorothy My appt with the Ortho guy is next friday..In the mean time I am taking tylenol and hobbling around the house...I shop with a cart and I can walk good with it but it is bending that causes the pain. I so wish I could walk those long walks...but not only the knee but the hips have artritis too...
Tina I am still dealing with the slight vertigo...I did all the excersizes that help but i still have a little dizziness every now and then/ I have to say it is better,,,
Jana I am praying that the treatments help..I have a friend who goes every couple of months for shots in his eye,,,I would have to be sedated just the thoughts....you are much tougher than I would be...Dilating my eye gives me such anxiety too.. my eye appt is in the next couple of weeks also...
Sharon I never got the kitchen floors done today...Ken was home early and decided i should run errand swith him...so I did...we had banking and a trip to home depot on the books///then I took a nap ( involuntary...fell asleep in the chair)
Chris I hope you break down and get a new floor for your kitchen...Im sure it will make you happy///You are amazing getting all that you do..behind you...My shredder is full and today is trash day SOOO I will fill a bag.
Lyn safe travels,,,I have been ib Nappanee several times and there are some good Amish Resturants around there and I think a place called Amish Acres is there,,a farm you can visit and have dinner...

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