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Wednesday May 1

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Re: Wednesday May 1

Post by patches4 » Wed May 01, 2024 9:45 am

Happy hump day
Prayers to all in need and all the rest of us,
Been MIA. A week and half ago I had black streaks in my vision and looked like I was looking through a veil. Had something similar in other eye year and half ago so wasn’t really panicking. Wonderful Drs out here, got right in the next morning with retina specialist. No retina detachment just vitreous hemorrhage where gel in eye shrinks and causes tears. She could only see 30% waited a few days doing nothing,nada zippo. Had laser treatment and will see her this Monday. Still hoping to get home the 14. Had another friend pass away at home, not able to get home for funeral and I am so shook up with her passing the same day as my moms passing a couple of years ago and another friend had a small stroke now in assisted living. All of these kids left to get rid of stuff. Each day I think of more stuff I do not use or need so why keep? DH doesn’t see that way so I see a battle down the way.
Still hoping to fly home. Should be able to put both shoes on on Friday. Kind of wanting to sew have embroidered two crib tops and table runner. So beautiful here but have to get home and be responsible again. Thankful for two kids at home keeping that together.
Everyone be kind to all you meet, do something for yourself and be thankful for today.

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Re: Wednesday May 1

Post by grammiequilts » Wed May 01, 2024 9:59 am

Tina, my Dr said it is fine for short term use...Since a also have Afib I dont take NSAIDS . (Not any more) iwas tking them till I was told they cause heart attacks and strokes. But my Dr said short term Voltarin was ok. Short term means 3 weeks or less...so I guess i will keep using it for a few days and see if it really works...

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Re: Wednesday May 1

Post by gershwin64 » Wed May 01, 2024 12:56 pm

Hi everyone!
Well I had my appointment, not the news I was expecting but here's what he said....
He said the EKG done at the hospital did show an abnormality and they should have admitted me and took me to Cruces for a heart catheterization, but now he has to do it on an out patient thing now. He thinks I may have a blockage. But for now he's going to put me on 2 medications and see if it will resolve it and I'll have to go get 2 tests done whenever insurance approves them plus I have to get more blood work done. I may still have to get a catheterization done but he'll see what all this does first. He says I'm not to over exert myself till he gets it figured out. I did tell him about my 6½ hours of yardwork yesterday and he said.... don't do that please.
The boys have a little league game tonight so we'll be going to that.
You all take care.
Prayers for those in need 🙏

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Re: Wednesday May 1

Post by zfatcat » Wed May 01, 2024 1:24 pm

Tina, that's scary. Hope the meds resolve the issue. That's the easiest route. I guess the house cleaning will just have to wait. It's not going anywhere.

Chriss, perfect weather to have the windows and doors open. Nice that your dad can fix the mower.

Maryz, I've sewed many a times without bobbin. The blocks were just falling over the table onto the floor.

Jana, my son is an engineer. When he gets fussy with me, I just laugh. I can also pull, I'm your mother knock it off. lol

Lyn, safe travels. I bet you are already to your destination by now.

Val, my dad is okay. Calls a lot and says he's confused. He usually works it out on his own. The lotto block is actually quiet easy.

Judi, I hope you are getting some relief from the drug they prescribed.

I've been busy taking care of dads stuff and things around here as well. Got laundry going at both locations.

Have a lovely day.

Lori 8-)

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