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Wednesday May 1

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Wednesday May 1

Post by Becca » Wed May 01, 2024 4:06 am

Good morning to all Gping to be another beautiful day We had. Thunderstorms last evening
Plan to go to aerobics then Church to work in Garden
Had Bible Study last night Tonight it’s family time I talked to Denise She’s still not over her bronchial problems Her Asthma makes it worse
Hope you all have a great day Prayers for Judi’s nephew Little Josiah Brodee Levi & all others spoken & unspoken

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Re: Wednesday May 1

Post by grammiequilts » Wed May 01, 2024 4:26 am

Good morning Becca Thank you for the prayers...Nephew is still in the hospital but doing better...Today is laundry and some more clean ups...ken is teaching his last class today and I am having dinner with my youngest son's family. It is my Daughter in law s birthday and grandson birthday tomorrow. So we are all meeting for dinner..Its Italian again...(I dont mind)...Ken will miss it. He also leaves for Holland Mi again tomorrow for 2 days...so I should get a lot done here,,,,
I am on the borders of the last Christmas quilt...so I think the quilting will commense soon...maybe will get it done today.
I do have a referral for an Orthopedic guy but I need to find out a bit about him before I make an appt...I will look him up today,,,the knee feels a bit better with the Voltaran...but Since it is arthritis I know It isnt going away.
Jana prayer for your eye to get better,,,I have a wrinkle in my retina and see a Dr every 6 months to monitor it,,,

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Re: Wednesday May 1

Post by FlorenceM » Wed May 01, 2024 4:51 am

Yesterday did get to grocery store...then Joe and I got 3 of the trees planted....14 left to plant...
We were too tired to cook last night, so we got cleaned up and went across the state line into Kansas to the Downstream Casino's buffet. We don't gamble, but heard their restaurants are good .
Today we will plant a few more trees in between the rain sprinkles.
I like the idea of using flannel with no batting....

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Re: Wednesday May 1

Post by WeSignificant » Wed May 01, 2024 5:26 am

Good morning world! First cup of joe, still dark outside, 46* but supposed to get up to around 77. I am not really ready for the hot weather so hoping it doesn’t get much more than that. Rain expected by the weekend again.

Irish my grandkids live on 5th street in Sparks, they are Garcias. They used to live close but moved up there for my granddaughter’s medical care and ended up staying. So my husband and I are now the only ones living still in California. Not sure what retirement plans are though. My son lives in SD and really wants us to come up there, DD would like us to come to the Reno area and my sister would like us to come to Virginia where she is. But we will see. Just a roll for dinner?

Chriss regarding the keys, I think I would hold onto them until you are done cleaning things out. You never know. DH has locks here with no key and God only knows where the backdoor key is. The drippy faucet will run up the water bill, might just need a new seal. Bet Dad knows about that stuff.

Sharona I did get my two BOM blocks done. That was my sole purpose in going. I got them done with an hour to spare so left and came home early. I may one day do my DNA but not now. My oldest sister did do it at one point but never really shared the results so I don’t know. Just through geneology I know I am mostly English, Scottish and German. Maybe a bit of French.

Tina sounds like you have a real mess. I don’t think I could tolerate that. DBIL in Las Vegas has that same problem on occasion but I don’t think it’s as bad as yours. Prayers for a good visit with the cardiologist today.

Jana hoping they get the MD under control. Yes you need to be able to thread lots of needles! Save me a cinnamon roll please. In Vacaville there is a German Bakery. They have home made cinnamon rolls, I try to stay away but sometimes the call is just too strong.

Lori sounds like you had a good trip. But yes catch up can be time consuming. How is your Dad?

Maryq 64 patches by this weekend? That sounds like a lot. Don’t burn up that machine!

Maryz I definitely got into the class. But guess what, now that I have researched the pattern, it uses the CG Stripology Squared ruler, that was not mentioned. It’s $64 but guess it may come in handy for some other things. I am not buying fabric for class but using from my stash so that will save me a bit there.

Wow Flo that’s a lot of bulbs. What type of bulb are they? And the trees? What are they?

Lyn where are you today? That’s a lot of rain. Hoping the weather straightens up for you guys.

Becca how did the doctor appointment go and how is Brodee doing? Thank you for prayers for Josiah. I worry about his future but I am thinking this will all work out. He also does not talk but is learning sign language as is his sister. And guess what, Xavier is beginning to copy them!

Tinab with few exceptions I get my batting at the LQS and almost always use 100% cotton. Occasionally use 80/20.

Judi belated Happy Anniversary. That is quite a accomplishment in today’s world. I know a couple here that have been married I think it’s 73 years. They are both in their 90’s (late 90’s) and the wife has Dementia. But they have a huge supportive family. DH and I have 35 under our belts. Occasionally Voltaren works for me but not always.

Lois a juice pop quilt sounds quite cute.

Well my first patient is at 8:30 this morning so I best get to getting. I tried to explain I do not get off of my night shift job till then but no go. I will have to figure out how to do this. Will have a firm discussion when I get there. I have my second set of Drunkard’s path cut out and beginning to pin together. May get to sew a bit before I leave. We will see. Have a grand day everyone and hope you get to fondle fabric.
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Re: Wednesday May 1

Post by WeeOne » Wed May 01, 2024 5:40 am

Good morning from Texarkana, TX.

I woke up tired. I hope the coffee helps. Today is a short 200 miles to Judsonia, Arkansas. I have to call and make reservations for the rest of the week, before getting on the road. We can't get into Newmar RV park until Sunday.

Hope y'all have a great day.

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Re: Wednesday May 1

Post by auntjana » Wed May 01, 2024 6:01 am

Good morning!

Last night with the cinnamon rolls went very well. I hadn't realized that one of the leaders was who in the Ward is known for her cinnamon rolls and has a side business selling them! She is booked for months! Talk about being intimidated! But I forged ahead. I had my batches of dough for the girls already and they did very well. Now I was smart, I do have my moments, and had a batch baked, just out of the oven. The house, as you walked in smelled oh so yummy! Well, they all had a fresh cinnamon roll and guess what? The cinnamon roll maker loved mine! Kept saying my recipe was better than her's! Oh my! She said that mine were more flaky and tender too. Thank you Grandma , it's her recipe! Back many many many years ago, my grandmother won blue ribbons at the state fair, here in Utah, for her bread. I have taken the recipe and modernized it slightly, just in how the dough is made, but it still works. I had extra dough, so took a batch up to Sarah's for all that live there and have a batch in the refrigerator too, for Daniel this afternoon. Even Mr Grumpy was pleased and polished off several and made sure that those that were left were well covered for today..

Since it's Wednesday, I have the school pick up run. It's Ethan's last cello day and Sarah takes him now and does some volunteer work for the orchestra. That way, Ethan still gets to play and it doesn't cost us. It's quite a chunk of change to play in this group. Ethan also has a summer camp with the music group, which is when he'll play with the Piano Guys.

We got the part on my bobbin winder in place. It's quite the ordeal working with a engineer! They are too methodical! I knew to do this, then that, and boom it's done. No, it don't work that way with engineers! So with a bit of patience, no a lot of patience, the part is in place and working.

So after I get my kitchen back in order, 6 batches of cinnamon roll dough does take a toll, I 'll be playing with OWL, while the laundry does its dance.

Thank you for all the prayers, I do need them!


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Re: Wednesday May 1

Post by maryq » Wed May 01, 2024 6:25 am

Good morning Girls

Happy May Day! Did you all celebrate May Day when you were little, with little baskets of flowers?

Just a quick hello this morning as I need to jump in the shower and make a mad dash to the fabric warehouse to hopefully find more of the same fabric I need to make the patches. I have some but I'm sure not enough for 64 of them. Last year I came across guy on ETSY that digitized the design for me and he was able to get this years design done very quickly so I was able to get a couple patches done last nite. Then I had the crazy idea that maybe he could digitize a photo of my Dad's flowers ( I have over 200 pictures of them on a flash drive) or how about some family pictures! He said he does that all the time!! YEAH. SO there's another project on my to-do list. I just had the brilliant idea to find a purple flower, have it digitized, and then embroider it on the label for the wedding quilt! I'm so smart ! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Anyway I better run and get busy

I'll try to sneak back once I get my machine up and running.

Have a great day everyone

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Re: Wednesday May 1

Post by purrfect-lady » Wed May 01, 2024 6:58 am

Good morning,

BECCA - Enjoy the church garden today. Are you weeding flowerbeds? Planting veggies? I'm trying to picture your day. It's Family Wednesday! What's for dinner?

JUDI - I hope the new dr is a good one. Like VAL said, sometimes Voltarin works for me and sometimes not. But remember, with any topical pain-relieving agent, you keep applying it until it stops absorbing. Happy birthday to your DDIL and your DGS. Enjoy the supper out. Italian is our favorite, too. You're not going to Holland with Ken? It might be a good opportunity to just relax and put your knee up - read and sew hexies. Hope you get those borders on today. I got my background cut out yesterday for my last Christmas quilt and will start sewing cats today - 5 cats, 10 trees, and 15 Ohio stars.

VAL - sounds like you and your DH need to take a long trip and visit all those places. They all have pros and cons. SD and NV (and WA, TX, FL, AKand a few others) have no income tax. Only AK has no income and no sales tax. VA has very weird (and high) vehicle licensing taxes but it's a beautiful state with lots of history. Maybe you need to be full-time RVers for a year or two and roam the country and see what you like best.

TINA - I don't think I could live in your dusty area. Ugh!! What a lot of work cleaning up everything! Good luck with cardiologist today. We will be needing a full report.

JANA - I hope you caught that MD early. My DBIL has it and goes for a shot in his eye every 5-6 weeks. He's had it for years, is 86, and drives for his job (auto parts runner in Denver), and also drives their fifth-wheel all over the country. Congrats on your cinnamon roll success! I'm sure it was intimidating having the cinnamon roll pro there, but you did it! My mom was a blue ribbon baker, too, for her bread, cakes, and pies. Sad to say she didn't pass her baking gene on to her daughter (maybe her other daughters, but not this one!) but my Autumn could own a bakery, she is so good. So perhaps I'm at least a 'carrier' of that gene.

IRISH - are you sure you and your sister aren't twins born 4 years apart?? That's a lot of weird cooincidences. And before I read your full post, my eye picked up "Jim and Albert". That startled me. I had to go back and see what you were writing about my two brothers, Jim & Albert! Then I saw that you were talking about your two DH's. I think you and Kathy need to plan an Alaskan cruise. And take a few extra days in Seattle area. I heard Holland America is offering a deal on Alaskan cruises right now - $49 for it all but it's stand by. You get maybe 1-10 days notice. And remember, my Autumn designed the libraries for all of Holland's ships. I would love to come and sit on your porch and watch your weeds grow. I'll bring everyone with me. You'll need more chairs. And probably more porch, too.

FLO - After a day like you had I'm too tired to even clean up to go out to eat. It would be poached eggs or cheerieos for sure. But what kind of bulbs did you plant? And trees?

LORI - I love my Bernies - 16 yr old 430 and 6 yr old 480. But I don't have the bobbin alert. I wish I did but the next machine up with that feature was another $1,000. Normally, I don't sew too far past my bobbin but yesterday, I sewed sashing on 10 blocks before I figured it out! Arghhh!! Next machine . . . . And our very tiny LQS here in GH just sent out an e-mail yesterday that they are starting to sell Bernies :D :D :D

TINA B - are you getting close to going home?

MARY Q - I guess there was no need to ask what you did yesterday - 64 patches! Gadzooks! That's a lot of time in front of your embroidery machine! Did you get them all done? And is this going to be an annual thing? If so you may request they give you another day or two lead time! Is your back any better? You are full of good ideas lately! Keeps you busy which keeps you young! And yes, our Catholic school (St. Leo's) celebrated May Day. We had a special celebration in church honoring the Blessed Mother. My dad supplied tons of flowers and greenery for bouquets and one of the seniors was the May Queen. She wore a crown of flowers as we all processed into church. All the seniors got to wear civvies but the rest of the student body (1st - 11th grades) wore their uniforms. We sang special songs just for Mary, the finale being one called Mother Beloved, a very beautiful, lilting, happy melody in 3/4 time. I even used that one for the recessional at my wedding a few years later. So yes, to answer your question, that's how we celebrated May Day. You brought back a happy memory for me. Thanks!

CHRISS - If you pay for your water, You should probably check out that faucet leak. It might just be a washer needs replacing. Otherwise, catch that water and use it to water stuff. It sounds like you might oughta should consider a garage sale. Tools are a big draw and you could realize some serious money. On the other hand would Richard want any? Marilyn's boyfriend? Maybe the nice guy that helped you mow and weedeat?

Yesterday I cleaned my sewing room and turned my cutting table so it doesn't jut out into the room so far. I only have one wing up because it's a tiny room. In my next life, I'm going to have a BIG sewing space! In the afternoon I cut the background pieces for my fourth and last SSC. This one is for me. 🐱 Today I have chiro. Then I'll come home and start sewing Christmas cats. At 3pm we're invited to Doyle & Susie's for HH and pinwheel sandwiches so that will be our supper. It's an awkward time because Foxy and Scottie's supper is usually served at 3:30. So they have to either eat early or late. They vote for early. I can read their minds.

I hope we all get to fondle fabric today!

mary z

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Re: Wednesday May 1

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Wed May 01, 2024 7:49 am

Good morning. It's going to be a beautiful day today. Our temps should be in the mid 70's this week with rain predicted for Saturday afternoon.

Today the parents will arrive here again. I keep telling my dad that the mower can wait but he is determined. He was a fireman and on his days off he was a mechanic. He said he had never repaired a lawn mower before. and this one doesn't have a schematic of any kind in the owner's manual. He's just determined to figure it out. Running back and forth for parts, I am so blessed that he is my dad.

I was able to clear another shelf in the garage yesterday. Still need to sort some of the stuff and shred other things from those boxes. The garage is nowhere near organized, but it is starting to be decluttered. I was also able to pick up my sewing machine from the shop and get some errands ran. Yesterday was very productive.

Tina, prayers for a successful cardio appointment. Hope they figure you out and come up with an easy fix.

Becca, prayers said for your family.

Jana, prayers said for your eyes. High five for cinnamon roll success. Grandma's do have the best recipes.

Judi, continued prayers for your nephew. Hope the knee doctor works for you. Happy birthday to DIL.

Flo, happy tree planting.

Valerie, that is an expensive ruler, but CG makes good rulers and I'm sure you will use it often. I don;t remember the brand of the strip ruler I have but use it a lot. Too late, the keys are gone. I figure if they have been in the garage for more than a decade I don't need them. I'll just buy a new lock. The faucet is only slightly dripping and my concern is that the small hole will enlarge causing the pump in my well to over work. Dad is going to fix it today. I guess I need to learn how to repair things.

Lyn, Hello to you. safe travels.

Maryq, you ARE smart. Just a digitalizing crazy woman. It's going to be so fun to be able to recreate the people and designs from your photos. I have some VCR tapes that I would like to be able to watch, maybe I should look into seeing what that entails.

Maryz, I also am going to have a bigger sewing room in my next life. I guess, technically, I could make my house into a sewing house but first I need to purge the crapola. I haven't even tackled the tools in the garage yet but won't be having a garage sale. I have had two garage sales here and neither ended up being worth my time. I'll figure out what to do with the stuff as I come across it. I have well water, so yes, I pay for the electricity that runs my pump. There isn't enough of a drip to catch in a container. It isn't even making mud on the ground. But I'm already working on the repair, my dad will fix it today.

I have steak and chicken thighs both thawing in the fridge. Probably steak tonight and chicken tomorrow.

And I need to get dressed and ready for when my parents get here. Dad says early but step mom might have other ideas. I'll likely be in the garage if you need me.

Hope you all have a wonderfully productive or relaxing day, whichever suits your needs.
Proverbs 4:11-12

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Re: Wednesday May 1

Post by womster » Wed May 01, 2024 8:38 am

Good morning!

Becca – wow – aerobics! Good for you. I pray Denise gets over her bronchial stuff soon. Poor thing – not fun to have that on top of asthma.

Judi – glad the Voltaran is helping. I have it but still haven’t used it – all those warnings made me nervous (use here, but not there). Have a lovely time at dinner.

Flo – slow and steady on the tree planting – sounds like a good plan.

Valerie – I found some interesting things from doing mine. Your being English reminds me of when I met with the surgeon last month. He said something along the lines of ‘with your English ancestry’ blah blah blah. I am so very white, so I guess it’s easy to peg. Two of my sisters, on the other hand, pass for Hispanic. DNA is weird.. Glad you got your sewing done. Sure hope your 8:30 patient understands why that time is no bueno.

Lyn – safe and happy travels to you.

Jana – so sorry about the MD news – I’m adding that to my prayer list. Congrats on a successful cinnamon roll day.

Maryq – you are, indeed, brilliant! What a wonderful thing to do. Good luck at the warehouse.

Maryz – happy chiro day, and enjoy the festivities with Doyle and Susie. I think the pets will want to eat both before and after. The pollen hasn’t even started flying out here yet. The trees haven’t even started candling. The deciduous trees haven’t leafed out either. Fairy dust – that’s a good one!

Chriss – you certainly are making great strides in decluttering and reorganizing the house. You sure hit the jackpot with your dad. Have a wonderful visit with them.

Tina – I obviously missed your heart issues – hope they’re straightened out soon.

We took the dog up for her spa day yesterday. Prior to us leaving, our Kansas grandson stopped by before heading back to Salina. I made him a breakfast burrito and sent him on his way with two cinnamon rolls. It was great to spend an hour with him. Today is desk day – I have lots of work to catch up on. The backing for the quilt should be here tomorrow, and then I will start on that again. We’re having hamburgers on tortillas with green chile and pinto beans for dinner. Have a glorious day! xoxo Sharona

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