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Tuesday April 30,2024

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Re: Tuesday April 30,2024

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Tue Apr 30, 2024 7:06 am

Good morning. It's going to be a great day today.

A few things to do this morning and I should be home by noon. The parents will be over, and dad will work on my mower. That man just doesn't stop. While he couldn't run a race, he certainly can walk it. I'm thinking deviled eggs need to be made.

And when the mower is done, I can do some more garage cleaning. I have a whole shelf that is clear and have gotten rid of some boxes as well as emptied a few totes. There are easily 10 toolboxes out there in various sizes and no organization to any of them. I betcha I can whittle them down to one.

I also have found a drippy outside faucet and I have a mini blind that no longer works and needs replacing. So far, those are my biggest problems. I think I will survive both of them.

Once the mower is done and back in it's cubby hole, I am going to look for someone to climb a ladder and pull things down from the high shelves in the garage so that I can continue my cleaning. Pretty sure it will take the rest of this year to have things how I want them.

I need to start my day, you all have a fantastic rest of the week.
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Tuesday April 30,2024

Post by maryq » Tue Apr 30, 2024 7:28 am

Good morning Girls

YIPEEEEEE I see sunshine this morning!! Alexa says we're going to get up to 68*!!! I'm so excited!!! I've been waiting for a nice warm day to open windows and maybe even wash a few... oh but wait, Alexa also said it might rain this afternoon later.... nix washing the windows.

Lois... Are you making a quilt that looks like Popsicles? I bet that will be a cute summer quilt and Rosie will love it!

Tinab.... Warm and Natural is my favorite batting, but it's a little pricey for my budget, so I've found Pellon 80/20 at Walmart on line. 96" x 9 yards and when I checked this morning it was about $40. or so per bolt. Comes out to about 4.55/yd and delivery is free. That I can handle, especially for charity quilts. That's what I give Viv when she does my quilts for me and it seems to work just fine on her LA machine!

Judi.... Did you know you can get Olive Garden salad dressing in stores? It's my favorite! Glad you had a nice dinner with Ken, even tho OG was too busy you were able to go to a nice place and bring dessert home--truly a win-win situation! We're missing quite a few friends from the forum and I too wonder what they are up to.

Jana... Oh what memories... learning to drive a stick shift! Not many kids know how to drive a stick anymore. I love a stick car, or I did in my youth, once I learned how on my Dad's Mustang (why a guy would buy a mustang with 7 kids I'll never know--mid life crisis me thinks) Hope all is well with eye check up today.

Becca... .and did you know that frowning causes more wrinkles than smiling? Well, maybe, I think I just made that up! :lol: :lol: I've always loved planting a garden at my house, but never the weeding it part.

Lyn... Sending prayers for a safe journey to Indianna... may your roads be clear and traffic be light and the sun shine all the way! Yesterday as I was playing around on Google Earth, I looked up the house I grew in. It was an older view, but the house looked beautiful and I'm happy to say the owners are still flying a US Flag on a huge pole that my Dad installed in the front yard many many years ago.

Flo.... I can just picture you covered in mud after planting all the stuff in your gardens!! You must be exhausted though and have more to plant! When I see pictures of your gardens on FB I sure the get itch to go to the green house and pick up some plants. I did buy myself a new planter at Target yesterday, so as soon as it warms up a bit I'm going to fill it up with all sorts of pretty posies!

Maryz... I have such fond memories of sitting your deck with Sue and Kenn when I was there. That was such a great visit! I'd come for sheet pan chicken and potatoes but you can keep the broccoli! Happy Birthday to your Sis. Yesterday was my oldest DB's birthday--he turned 76! And today is Viv's birthday, so I'll have to call her for sure.

Chriss.... The Denair garage sales sound like the "Rummage along the River" sales down in Wisconsin that I've done with Viv that last few years. I'm going down to Viv's on the 16th but this year we aren't going to HAVE a sale, we're going to SHOP sales. It's 75 miles of garages all along the Mississippi River.

Guess I should get in gear. Yesterday I didn't seem to get much done, tho I did get to Target and found the curtain rods to hang my valances and got them up all myself-- luckily without falling off the step stool! Rec'd the template for the May lotto blocks so sat and cut and pinned a few last night, might sew those today. You may remember that about this time last year I was making patches on my embroidery machine but Brennen's Trap shooting team? Well, I've been asked to make them again this year... only the trap meet is THIS weekend!!! I'm waiting to hear from the guy that is digitizing the design and once I get that by email I'll be at the embroidery machine making 64 patches!! 😯😮🙂 Just hoping I have enough canvas fabric on hand otherwise it's a trip to the fabric warehouse--oh darn!
Association board meeting this afternoon so that will take a chunk out of my day

Coffee and a shower and I'll be ready to roll!!

Wishing you all a terrific Tuesday

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Re: Tuesday April 30,2024

Post by Irishgram » Tue Apr 30, 2024 9:59 am

Good late morning from a semi sunny but warm, SW. Pa...We might be getting rain today or tomorrow and then back in the 80s on Thursday...This weather is unbelievable and I'm loving it! Not sure what I'm going to really get into today...Do have laundry going and might make a quick trip to pick up an RX and a stop at JoAnn's to get more fabric for the backing to the latest...I've been trying to figure out how to piece what I have and it's just not working so, better get it before it's gone..... Then I'll visit my sister and use her island to pin it....She has one of the biggest islands I've ever seen but then her mobile is unbelievable, complete with a hidden pantry....

Maryz, I would love to have Becca visit but I'm sure the weeding wouldn't get done, lol...I have 2 nice chairs on my front porch (no swing) and we could gab the hours away.....I would love, love to meet you in Reno...I keep saying, we're going out this summer but finding a time that she's actually home is quite interesting...She pretty much has her whole summer planned....The wedding in July is my sister's son, David and Carla and the wedding in Sept. is my DGS, Kathy's son, Dan and that's going to be at the Columbus Zoo..From there, Kathy and Tim are leaving for Ireland and Scotland for the month and then back for Lena's birthday in October...Our cruise isn't until Dec. but she also has another, leaving from LA the week before we all go....I only have 1 sister, JoAnn and she's 4 years younger and for the longest time, I had her convinced she was adopted......I've probably written this before but we both had 5 kids, 4 boys and 1 girl, same order...Our 1st were born on Labor Day, 2 years apart, 2nd and 3rd, boys, exactly 2 years apart, then our girl and then our last, boys...We each lost 2 boys, each on the 29th of Oct., different years and our husbands passed 6 months to the day, Jim on Feb. 23, Albert, Aug. 23rd.....We are very much different, but the similarities are uncanny.....

Jana, OK, now you really have me primmed for cinnamon rolls and since you're way out there in Idah and I'm back here, guess I have to make my own....But, I'm cheating, I got out the bread maker......

Lyn, Happy trails and be safe....Very good idea to avoid those major highways..The times we drove to Florida, Jim was one for getting there as soon as possible and there were times, I'd shudder with busy roads...My "bestest" friend, Gin lived in Florida, would call AAA and tell them she wanted a route from Ft. Myers to Pa. using all back roads...It might take her a month to get here but she enjoyed every minute of the trip....She really was a lot of fun to travel with and I think about her and miss her every day.....

Judi, sure hope the new doctor has some good advise...I've seen those little sit on things and it would be handy to have....I can still get on my knees but then trying to get back up is interesting.....Glad you had a special dinner on your special day......Had Jim lived, we would be having our 70th this year...

Not much happening, not raining yet so I'd better make my quick trip while the dough is rising......
My dinner might just be a roll and then we have a meeting tonight with more goodies...I'll really be on a sugar high.....

You all have a great rest of the day................

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Re: Tuesday April 30,2024

Post by zfatcat » Tue Apr 30, 2024 10:25 am

Flo, 75 bulbs is a lot of planting in muddy grounds.

Judi, hope you can find some relief for the knee problem.

Chriss, just put a bucket under the drip and use the water to put in dry places.

Mary, my Bernina has the big bobbin and it tells me when it's going to run out. Such a great feature.
I picked it up yesterday. It's clean and ready to go.

I've just been catching up on things. Need to hit the grocery store today. I also want to get a few quilts layered this afternoon if there's time.

Have a lovely day.
Lori 8-)

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Re: Tuesday April 30,2024

Post by auntjana » Tue Apr 30, 2024 12:18 pm

Well the truck passed it's check up - i didn't! My macular degeneration progressed quite badly in one eye - 6 months ago, i was 20/20, today that eye is 20/70! Ut oh! Big time! So i have appointment on Monday with a retina specialist. They have medication that can stop this progression. It's just one bubble that is giving me fits. hopefully we've caught this one early. I know all about the effects of macular, as my mom went blind in both eyes from it. Hers started in her 50's and mine is just now starting and I'm 71. Still need to thread a needle!


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Re: Tuesday April 30,2024

Post by zfatcat » Tue Apr 30, 2024 1:03 pm

Jana, glad you caught it early. That is a big change.
Lori 8-)

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Re: Tuesday April 30,2024

Post by gershwin64 » Tue Apr 30, 2024 6:16 pm

Hi everyone!!
Oh my goodness, I went outside this morning to clean the front yard with the leaf blower and then the riding lawnmower because we had a dirt devil hit yesterday that covered the patio and yard with tons of pieces of tumbleweeds and dirt. We had the sliding glass door open and just the screen door shut and just the screen shut on the house and dirt came in the house too, my house is filthy!! I cleaned outside for 6½ hours and I'm done in. I came in to take a shower and it looked like one of the grands made mud pies 🤪 I'm clean again and both yards are too!
Tomorrow I go see the cardiologist so can't start on the inside till we get back. Frankie will be helping me. Good thing I didn't clean very much after the 3 days of dirt storms. Too bad I can't bring the garden hose in and wash the inside of the house like I did the outside.
I made chicken with bunches of veggies for supper.
I'm so excited, I was one of the winners for April lotto and so was my DSIL, pretty cool huh.
Enjoy the rest of your evening.

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