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Monday April 29th

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Monday April 29th

Post by grammiequilts » Mon Apr 29, 2024 5:28 am

Good morning Today I am married 58 yrs...Ken has gone to work. We will probably go to dinner tonight, We try to plan things to do but life gets in the way,
I will head to a scavenger hunt today and stop at the Hallmark store for cards,,,several birthdays coming up.
I did get all the blocks made and will try to get the top done,,maybe later...we didnt get the camper moved yet too much mud and rain at the lake we will try to get it moved next week.
Nothing else going here,,,Hope your day is going well...Prayers for all who need,,,Nephew is still in the hospital...still in a lot of pain...my knee is doing about the same I didnt get the voltarin but will do that today...I really havent noticed any improvement but it has been tolerble... Old age aint for sissies,,,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo

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Re: Monday April 29th

Post by gershwin64 » Mon Apr 29, 2024 5:42 am

Good morning everyone 🌞
Judi, Happy Anniversary!! Prayers for your nephew 🙏🙏 I sure hope the voltarin helps your knee. Dad used the Blue Emu cream on his night before last, he likes it too. I hope you get your camper moved soon.
We have some errands to run today so I'm not sure how long that will take so not sure what else will get done. I woke up at 5, yucky. Today is supposed to be a beautiful day 🥰
You all have a great day!
Prayers for those in need 🙏🙏

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Re: Monday April 29th

Post by purrfect-lady » Mon Apr 29, 2024 6:02 am

color=#0000BF]Good morning,

We have drizzle this morning and going to a high of 53*. Going to be another indoor day. I hope our internet issues over the weekend are all better this morning. So far, it seems like it.

IRISH - I would love to see a photo of your mom's pretty hair! I have my mom's hair except hers was dark and mine is red. Otherwise, same texture, same curls, and pretty much the same style. Glad it's summer clothes time at your house! As a hopeful activity I got mine out, too, ditched about half of them. Costco had some comfy shorts on a good sale a while back and I bought a pair in each color and got rid of all my old worn ones except for a few old favorites for working in the yard. Now all I have to do is wait for summer weather. That was quite a windfall - 5 bolts of uphostery fabric. So did you cover all your sister's furniture or just give it to her to do it herself? I'm not much of an upholsterer, myself.

JANA - I will try to remember that name - Rome Odunze, though have to admit, we don't often watch Bears games. Maybe you will be able to reconnect with his family? Where is he from, originally? Utah? Cal?

CHRISS - It's generous and sweet of your dad to come fix your lawn mower. He's taking care of his little girl and doing things like that is what keeps him youthful, makes him feel needed, and gives him something to focus on outside of his own life. Yay for your dad and yay for you! He's a sweetie. What is his first name? I bet he has another name besides "Chriss's Dad". I think we all have too much stuff, but I consider thrift shopping entertainment. And cheap entertainment at that. Plus it satisfies that "shopping gene" many of us seem to be born with. It's always fun to hunt for and find that purrfect bargain! A woman here bought a rough drawing of Lisa Simpson at St. Vincent de Paul. Turned out it was an orginal by Matt Groening, who lives in our area and that drawing sold for 2 million dollars after he authenticated it! So, you just never know what you'll find.

LYN - you hit the road today. I hope all the storms have passed and you have safe traveling. Are you an Escapee? I think Livingston is the main Escapee headquarters park. It will be fun to meet up with your old friends. I hope the weather allows you to sit out and enjoy that glass of wine with them while you catch up!

JUDI - I've already said my prayer for your newphew this morning. I consider fire-folk, law enforcement, and teachers society's heros. We need all the heros we can get!! Sorry you couldn't get your fiver moved over the weekend. But when you do, your yard is going to look empty! How far away will it go? Will Ken tow it or your son? Hope you get that quilt top together today? And what's the latest news on Jeff's job hunt? Costco sells Voltarin, 3 large tubes to a package, for a good price. I keep a tube upstairs, downstairs, and on my nightstand.

TINA - when I heard about the NM train wreck yesterday I thought of you, of course. But then saw it was up on I-40 and I know you live off I-10. But still, you are probably affected at least by increased traffic through Deming. Our news said it happened at NM's border but they didn't say which border - east or west. My thought was the AZ border. I hope the high winds don't carry fumes your way. I wish I could sleep in until 5. I always seem to wake up between 4 and 4:30. Sometimes earlier.

LORI - I can't wait to see what you create with your ideas and new skills.

MARY Q - what kind of trouble did you find to get into yesterday?

BECCA - you are so right - you just never know what load any other folks tote around with them. I will try harder to remember that wise nugget.

LOIS - what's the word from NJ?

My day took a hard left yesterday. I was thinking it would be a sew day for me, and I did, throughout the day, get four May Lotto blocks made. But after putting up our sunshades, there was fallout on the deck, which is our outdoor living room. We have birdhouses and other things displayed up on beams that had to come down, be washed, and put back up. Furniture had to be washed because of all the pollen. Quilts had to be washed. Then we vacuumed the rug, and rearranged furniture, etc. It took all morning. Then I moved into the living/dining room and did the same thing there. I was pooped at the end of the day but it was so nice to get up this morning and admire my efforts! Today I will put binding on that SCC#2 and maybe start assembling #3. And clean the bathroom. In the evenings, I'm still working on my hexies and have that entire project maybe 70% done. I think when I finish this quilt I'll be done with hexies forevermore!! Two complete quilts, all by hand, is more than enough for one lifetime.

Group hug!
mary z

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Re: Monday April 29th

Post by auntjana » Mon Apr 29, 2024 6:33 am

Good morning!

Looks a bit gloomy outside . The rain may stay a bit longer. We've received more snow in the mountains, enough that the ski resorts have extended their closing dates by a week or two.

Not much going on here. Just a few uglies to ready the house for a baking lesson tomorrow. The young women are coming over tomorrow night to learn to make cinnamon rolls. I'll have a fresh batch baked and ready to eat, and have two batches of dough ready to roll out. I'll also have them make up a batch of dough, how to knead, etc. There will be about 5 girls and 3 leaders. We'll have lots of fun.

The star quilt was delivered yesterday. My nephew stopped for just a minute on their way home. It will be loved at it's new home. Just the right size for two to snuggle under watching movies.

I've got a bunch of packages coming, but the most important is the bobbin winder part. Then I can quilt a UFO. Other project is OWL.

Enjoy the day,

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Re: Monday April 29th

Post by maryq » Mon Apr 29, 2024 7:06 am

Good morning Girls

Just another rainy day in Paradise here this morning. I woke up thinking that I was in Seattle! :lol: :lol: But the trees and lawn are loving it and they are turning a beautiful shade of green!

Judi.... Happy Anniversary!!! 58 Years is awesome and from the sounds of it.. you guys are still crazy about each other and that is a good thing! Or maybe just crazy? :lol: :lol: Hope you have a wonderful romantic dinner out tonight! Have you ever heard of Sombra cream/gel? That's what my NP recommended and I'm thinking about ordering some from Amazon. Prayers continue for your nephew. 💕

Tina.. Please send some sun shine and warm temps up here! (keep the hot stuff, just a little warmer please) I was probably up about the same time you were this morning, fortunately I went right back to sleep. My coffee maker starts automatically at 7:45 so I don't get out of bed until I know it's done perking! :lol: I could have laid around a little longer, but I was having weird dreams, so decided to get up and get going instead.

Maryz...My goodness you had a busy day and got a lot accomplished on your deck! I bet it's beautiful and with the sun shades you'll be able to spend even more time out there this summer. I bet it's a great place sit and work on those hexies at night. Seems to me you have a big TV out there right? When I was at Joann the other day, they had those neat outdoor rugs on sale and I was almost tempted to buy one just to lay out on my cement patio... I might just go back and get one to snaz up my place a little.

Chriss... How great is that, that your folks come over and keep an eye on you!! I'm trying to picture your yard and am thinking you have some acreage around your house? Not like a city lot? OK, I did a google earth search! How cool is that? Anyway I can see the roofs of 3 house, one is a rust color, one is a gray color and one is black. Which one is yours? Now I can get an idea of how big your area is to mow and all the trees!

Irish... My next door neighbor is helping a distant relative clean out a fabric hoard... and she brings home BAGS of fabric every 2 weeks or so, once she sorts and washes it all, she calls me over to pick out anything I might want and be able to use. Not that I NEED more fabric, but some of it has actually come in handy and I've been able to get backings for a couple quilts out of it. So, if you're looking for any thing in particular, I probably have it in my garage! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Jana... Oh I'm catching the next flight to Utah for home made cinnamon rolls (I'll worry about the diet later) When/if I ever make them I cheat and use frozen bread dough! :lol: :lol: But better I shouldn't have them in the house! Not good for keeping blood sugar under control! :lol:

Valerie... In case you peek in, it looks like my May Lotto template is coming in my mailbox today Yippee!! I'm anxious to try making some DP blocks! Who knows I might just go crazy and make a whole DP quilt! Other than the background being off white-ish instead of white, do you have any other colors in mind?

SO, yesterday, seeing that I STILL had some of the pretty home dec fabric left that match the chairs I decided to make little valances for the 4 windows in my "sun room" There are 2 that are 22" wide and 2 that are 46" wide. Got those done pretty easily but this morning I'm going take a quick shower and run to Target to get some curtain rods to put them up. 99% of the townhouses here all have the same ugly mini blinds in all the windows-- beige of course because every thing 1998 when these were built was beige. Eventually I'll replace with white ones or something else. My sun room windows face the street so I like to be able to close them up at night. For now I think I'll just like having a splash of color out there. Getting them up might involve a little climbing on step stool, so I may wait until Evie is home from school and see if she will stop by and climb for me. Once they are up perhaps I'll post a photo!

Better get in gear, the sooner I get to Target the sooner I can get home and get back to the sewing room! I had a weird dream last night that I was moving into an even smaller place and there was no place for a sewing room! That's a nightmare!!!

Wishing you all a Marvelous Monday

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Re: Monday April 29th

Post by WeSignificant » Mon Apr 29, 2024 7:22 am

Good morning, so glad I am not the only one having problems with the site. Wonder what is happening?

Today I am going to Free Sew for the first time in awhile. The free sew schedule just doesn't jive with mine. Weekends are best (yea! no weekend job) or Mondays. This is the first monday they have scheduled in quite some time. They don't post the days until the 1st or so of each month and if you don't get in there right away, you are doomed. Somebody cancelled their's for today so I got in. I also signed up for a class in June called Kira's quilt. It's a nice little lap quilt. Would make a nice gift. To who I don't know?

OOHHH Judi standing water means mosquitos here? I suppose you have them there too. Wow, so sorry for your nephew and that snafu. That sounds horribly painful. Hope he is at least over the pain soon.

Lyn safe travels to you. I have heard of Nappanee but not sure why. Have a great time with your old neighbors.

Chriss we are heating up this week too and may get into the low 80's. Now that's pushing it if you ask me. I think it's great that your Dad wants to keep going. It's when older people stop that things get funny. I tend to accumulate stuff too, DH doesn't throw stuff away and I just can't pass up a nice pyrex dish, et. If you need a bit more hair I have some extra.

Jana my alma mata has a young man who was 1st round draft pick for the Raiders. I think he is a running back. What a small world it is sometimes.

Maryz I would have left them until DH came home. I do not like mice in anyway shape or form.

Irish I have thought of doing my DNA but you never know what you might find out. I have seen stories of people whose lifes have been completely altered due to those. My grandchildren live in Sparks! My DD actually lives in Fernley. Her husband works at Tesla there between Sparks and Fernley. Maybe they all know each other?

Maryq no other colors in mind. Just scrappy. Would love to see your little valances. They sound quite cute. Sure wish I had friends like yours. My friends if they have fabric, hoard it!

Well if I am to make Free Sew timely I need to get started on breakfast and shower. I want to finish the last April Lotto block before I leave. Have a great day all.
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Re: Monday April 29th

Post by womster » Mon Apr 29, 2024 7:46 am

Good morning!

Judi – happy anniversary! Amen to your ‘old age isn’t for sissies’ comment. Prayers continue for your nephew – I’m sorry he’s in such pain. Hope your knee likes the voltarin and provides you some relief.

Tina – happy errand-running. I often see 5am on my clock, but rarely get out of bed.

Maryz – two million? Wow! Our pollen from the ponderosa trees hasn’t started yet. Once it does, we have to keep everything shut. I remember looking out the window our first year here and saw what resembled yellow fog. It coats everything. I agree that two handmade quilts are enough. But what an accomplishment!

Jana – please thank your tech guy for the router info. Today everything seems to be behaving much better. And I agree with some mass updating going on. It reminded me of the time everyone’s cell phones within a certain radius would not connect to anything for at least a couple of hours. Very strange.

Maryq – I am impressed with both the chair redo and the making of valances. That would indeed be a nightmare to not have a sewing spot.

Valerie – I think it’s great you get to go to Free Sew today. I also have heard some horror stories about DNA uncovering secrets that have torn people’s lives apart. I’m so glad you no longer have to do weekends.

Today I will be pulling grass from a flower bed. I have one block left to futz with on the t-shirt quilt. I am done enough to order the backing fabric so YAY! I am also going to start reclaiming my sewing hole and am very excited to get that done. There is t-shirt material strewn from hello to howdy. We are having grilled hamburgers for dinner tonight. Have a lovely day! xoxo Sharona

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Re: Monday April 29th

Post by zfatcat » Mon Apr 29, 2024 9:10 am

Jana, I saw this and thought of you. Hahaha

Lori 8-)

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Re: Monday April 29th

Post by auntjana » Mon Apr 29, 2024 9:15 am

Yes! And Mr Grumpy added darn cat! (not that exact word) Tunnels are the favorite place of most kitties.

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Re: Monday April 29th

Post by Irishgram » Mon Apr 29, 2024 11:31 am

Good afternoon from another summery, sunny, warm, SW. Pa...We're to be in the high 80s and will probably set a record....Kevin came over early this morning and mowed the grass before it got too hot and I swear, those "pretty yellow flowers" are back, standing tall before he has the tractor on the trailer....Guess I'll have to get some Weed and Feed......His yard looks like a golf course, he's quite proud of his landscaping....I had an early appointment for another eye exam and once again, told, there's still a lot of damage in the right eye from the Lymes but they'll try to get it as good as they can...AND the best news, it's all covered by my insurance......Then on the way home, I stopped and paid my house/property taxes...Now, that hurt, especially thinking what else I could have bought!
Talked to my sister and later is her fitting for the wedding and she's going to pick me up...Wonder if her car is trained to pull in a good place to eat......

Maryz, my heavens, you should have been played out last night...I got as far as sitting on the porch and thinking, I should be scrubbing the railings but that thought soon went away! I'd love to show you a picture, but all her pictures are taken from the front and you can't see her curls...But, I'll keep looking.....
And you have to know my sister to know, she would have no idea what to do with fabric....She does know how to thread a needle and sew on a button but that's all...She's picked out her "bolt" but she hasn't had time to get the cushions out of storage.......

Val, Oh my, before Kathy moved west, I had never heard of Sparks but it really is a nice little town....She and DH, Tim, are both retired from the Post Office and he's also retired from the Air Force...Now, Kathy does weddings in Reno and I think it's just called the Chapel....I remember when they were building the Tesla building and Kathy tried to talk her son into coming out there to work....He has a Tesla and would fit right in, lol.....They certainly have built up that part of town, businesses and homes......Kathy's last name is Peterson and they live on Upton Dr.....Kathy had done her DNA and she's 85% Irish, Tim is Swedish, not sure what %......

MaryQ, How about I meet you in Utah? My all time favorite goodie has to be home made cinnamon rolls....And you know, every once in awhile, you just have to go all out and eat what you want! I too am anxious to see your new valances....I am constantly making new, just to spruce up a room.....And if the fabric is free, better yet! That's funny, you mentioned the rugs from JoAnn's....I stopped and looked at them and almost went back...With my luck, they'll be gone before I get back there.....Good price!

Jana, just a warning, expect a couple of hungry guests....Do you make the dough in a bread maker or by hand? I've done both, use the bread maker when I'm being lazy...I also load my up with raisins but lots don't care for raisins.....What a great experience, one those girls will never forget......

Judi, Happy Anniversary.....Does sound like you 2 have something special.....Hope you get relief with that knee......

Well, best I'd better get moving...I had planned on going outside and cutting back the butterfly bushes but, if I'm to look half way decent when my sister picks me up, best I stay out of the dirt......

You all have a great rest of the day..................

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