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Sunday, March 24th

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Re: Sunday, March 24th

Post by gershwin64 » Sun Mar 24, 2024 9:50 am

Maryq, carne asada tacos are made with beef, carne adobada are pork.
Maryz, yeppers Dad went to the Dr for his covid, actually to their parking lot, they won't let you go inside if you think you have it.... they came out to him.

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Re: Sunday, March 24th

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sun Mar 24, 2024 11:03 am

Good morning. It's going to be a soggy day today.

O'Dorothy, if you come cook and MQ comes to clean I will help with both. It would be fun to have a slumber party with the gals on the forum.

Tina, I want some green enchiladas. Is it always windy and blowing sand/dirt or do you have times where things settle. Ok, I'll come today and have leftover enchiladas and some of today's carne asada.

Lyn, safe travels.

Judi, I sure wish I was closer, I'd help you go through those patterns and stuff. I really don't need anything more to add to my sewing room, it's (in the words of my grandpa) stuffed to the gills. Since I took that picture of Jerry and me I have shaved off his beard. I will get another one if he feels like sitting on the couch again.

Lois, I will do any laundry I have tomorrow. I need to get some things together so Jerry has clothes and such at the assisted living facility where he will be.

Jana, I have pattern CD's too but have nothing to play the CDs on. Glad the car's screw issue is all better.

Valerie, I think we can all use a trunk clean out once in a while. My trunk is my junk room. I will get started on it when Jerry gets moved. I have so many ambitions but will take them one at a time.

Maryq, I guess an external CD is a great idea. I'll look into that for the CD's we have here, and there are scads of them, mostly family pictures that no one has seen in a zillion years. What did you order from Amazon? Enjoy playing with all that fabric. Wish I was there.

Maryz, so veyr glad it was a great birthday. Yes, Hospice will transport Jerry. I pray he gets to be moved early in the week. He and I agreed that he can always come home but he needs to gain hsi strength. I cant lift him and can barely help him up anymore.

Well, this morning has been busy. I've got a friend from church who called and we easily talked for an hour. I'm a lot more comfortable moving Jerry to a new place whether it be long term or short term. First thing I am going to do after getting him settled is sleep. I am so looking forward to an entire night of slumber.

Got a call from my son and DIL yesterday. They had the reveal. I'm getting a grandson. It will be mid-September (due date 9/14) Jerry's birthday is 9/13. I've been all over Pinterst and the internet looking at things to make for babies. My wish would be that I could move closer to them and be a huge part of that little boys life.

seems that in my family death brings life. When my son, Richard was about 3 my grandma died. He said that when people die they become your guardian angel. Marilyn was born just before Jerry's mom died. And now Jerry is dying just before Richard and Gloria's baby will be born. I like the guardian angel thought.

And now, as always, it's time for breakfast and to finally get dressed. You all have a marvy day
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Sunday, March 24th

Post by Irishgram » Sun Mar 24, 2024 11:48 am

Good afternoon from a very sunny but chilly, SW. Pa....Not much happening, kind of a lazy day....Do have laundry going and in making the bed etc. this morning, started pulling out outfits hidden way in the back that I haven't worn forever.....We were teasing my sister, saying she could wear her fancy wedding outfit to the "captain's dinner" on the cruise but I think I've outdone her, lol...Although I might take me all summer to alter and altering is sure not my bag! So now, what was a nicely cleaned up room, looks like, well, you can imagine! I am going to finish the table runners today...I was nearing the end of my sister's yesterday and wanted to have it done when she picked me up but Kathy called, then another friend texted and pretty soon, there's my sister sitting out front.....Evening out, cards and dinner, was really fun but it keeps getting later and later, I'm not 20 any longer!

MaryZ Everyone that I talked to on this side of the country, wished you a Happy Birthday, yesterday... All these people have heard me talk about you and feel we're all friends....Oh My, the more you talk about your brother, makes me really think about moving north...Would I be allowed to ride with him on those trips???It's always been a dream to ride in one of them and blow that horn, lol....I used to be pretty good with a CB also, known as "Foxy Lady" (Fox being my maiden name)...And he drinks screwdrivers, my absolute favorite and I don't care if he combs his hair or not.......Let me know if he gets tired of the present lady friend...How does he feel about cats?

Lyn, How do you keep yourself sane, going from one place to another...It's very hard keeping up with you but sure do love all you're doing.... Can't wait to see pictures of your new "Sewing Shed"..Now, that is a dream to many of us......

Judi, you're another one! You get more done in the morning than I do all day...I think it would be fantastic to travel across country..I always said, I was going to get a small motor home and BabyGirl and I were going to travel...Well, that dream never happened but I am seeing a lot of the country and the world, thanks to Kathy....Every time I look at the dirty window in the front door, I think, Oh my, Judi would have that done a long time ago.......I've been going through my stash and giving lots to a quilting guild...All the years we lived in our old neighborhood, I never knew there was a guild just down the road about 5 miles...It's in an old church and they make and donate...The last time I stopped in, they showed me 2 of the tops I had made and gave them...They had finished and had an auction and made quite a bit of money....I was thrilled to death!

MaryQ SNOW! But, this is still March....Around here we have been very spoiled and for sure, if it snows, and I'm sure it will, we 'll all be crying...I know exactly how you felt when doing the family laundry... With 5 kids, I think that washer was going every day...We lived in a very big house and all the kids had their bedrooms upstairs so I'd fold their clothes and each one had a step going up...It was their job to make sure their clothes got upstairs but after that, they were on their own....Surprisingly, most of the time, they did keep things nice and neat.....Oh, those were the days....

Tina, I'm always interested in what you are cooking, just because you do so much Mexican or South Western....What is Carne Asada? Sure hope your Dad feels better soon...AND those winds stay away, that sure wouldn't be fun.....

See what happens when I get started, just go on and on....And this isn't getting my sewing done.....

For my dinner, I'm having a half of a steak and cheese sub with fries that I brought home last night......Don't know when I've left a place without taking home 1/2 my dinner......

You all have a great rest of the day.................

Sorry Chriss, didn't mean to stomp on you....I so agree, it would be great to have a slumber party...AND a grand son, how special....I truly believe the same about the Guardian Angels...Lena was born 6 months after Jim passed away, Emma was born 3 months and Maeve a year after my DDIL, Cindy passed, now Ellie has my DDIL, Lynnette, in Heaven watching over her....Of course they have Jim watching over all of them.....Your life will be different but I think, maybe that's expected of everyone..We might think we have all our ducks in a row but there's always that straggler...Jerry will be well taken care of and you, hopefully, will be able to sleep....It's really in God's hands now, he knows what he's doing....Take care my friend......

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Re: Sunday, March 24th

Post by gershwin64 » Sun Mar 24, 2024 12:32 pm

Ok Chriss come on over, there's plenty.
Irish, Carne asada tacos are just thin slices of meat (beef), I use whatever cheap thin meat I can get..... sometimes it's round steak, London broil, flank steak etc and I slice it really thin. I used to buy the meat already slices but it went to $11.99 a pound so I do it myself for way cheaper. Then I put the meat in a gallon ziplock bag and add a little olive oil, chopped up jalapeños, chips up onion, garlic, lemon juice, cilantro and seasonings (I use my fajita seasoning because it makes them taste the best) and then I let it set in the fridge all day till supper and then just throw it in the pan and cook it and make my taco shells from corn tortillas and supper is done.
I'm a transplant from Indiana and Frankie is Italian and Czechoslovakian but we eat a lot of Mexican and Southwest foods the most. I still like my comfort foods though that I grew up with.

Here's the recipe I use as a guide, we don't like cumin and I changed up a couple things....

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Re: Sunday, March 24th

Post by gershwin64 » Sun Mar 24, 2024 12:51 pm

I cut my meat when it's raw and partially frozen because it's just easier for me that way. I for sure don't use sugar, yucky. LOL

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Re: Sunday, March 24th

Post by zfatcat » Sun Mar 24, 2024 7:49 pm

Tina, that's a great tip on cutting the meat.
Lori 8-)

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