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FRIDAY, February 23rd

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FRIDAY, February 23rd

Post by purrfect-lady » Fri Feb 23, 2024 5:11 am

Good morning,

I was awake early early this morning. Still on Texas time, I guess. I'm not trying too hard to adjust to Pacific time because DST starts in just a couple weeks. I wish it would hurry and get here!

VAL - happy birthday to your DD! Is she Josiah's gramma? It would appear we were all having our babies about the same time. My Autumn (my youngest) turned 47 about 6 weeks ago. I will check out the new lotto block!

FLO - I'm glad Joe's root canal is all overwith and in his rear view mirror. They gave me two Halcion when I had mine in 2006. I slept through the entire procedure and most definitely had to have a driver take me home.

TINA B - I hope all goes well with you and hubby's planned medical stuff. It's a lot all at once.

CHRISS - I couldn't be more happier for you!!! You'll be such a wonderful Grammy! I can't wait to find out if we're having a boy or a girl! I'm going to buy stock in Chapstick because you're going to be wearing out that smoocher of yours!

LORI - That is a pretty pattern - Harmony by Edyta Star. I often succumb to QIAD's "daily offerings", too. And I use Carol Doak's foudation papers, too, and stock up when they are on sale. But I do wish they would bundle purchases for a week or so to save us shipping charges. I often pass up tempting deals because I don't want to pay shipping.

JANA - I hope you and Sarah get that wedding project off your work table soon. Did you get your stars top finished yesterday? When in March is your nephew arriving? Early, middle, or end of the month? Makes a big difference in how much time you have to get that quilt done.

MARY Q - congrats on that last UFO!! What a great feeling! I can only imagine what KC's apartment looks like. Ugh! I think it was a big quarry that my Gr Grandfather worked in in Mankato, not a mine. I did a bit of research. In fact, back in 1997 we took a trip and visited a fourth cousin on my dad's side and they took us to see the quarry, though I don't remember if it was still operating.

JUDI - I know you are hitting the road today. And in fact, you are probably on your way by now. Safe travels!! 10 hours in the car is a long day.

SHARONA - Yay! You're alive! So glad you've turned a corner and are back with us! Now let's keep you on the road to good health. Bill's dr appt is Mar 5th, his first eye surgery is April 3rd. They will do his blind eye first. Bill asked if that was for practice. Doc said they prefer not to call it "practice". :lol: He can tell if a person is standing right in front of him, but he can't recognise the person. But removing the cataracts might sharpen his vision a little. The second surgery is April 17.

LOIS - That Tilda's embroidered flower quilt is amazing! It looks like cross stitch! I didn't see measurements, though, on how big it is. QIAD has a book of similar patterns. It's kind of an old book, but it's in my collection, always tempting me.

Yesterday was a long morning of errands and a visit to our friend, Susie, who is in rehab for another 5-6 weeks for her two broken ankles. Her hubby has been really sick with a flu of some kind so he hasn't been able to visit her for the last 9 days so she's been really lonely. I spent my afternoon in the kitchen, cleaning veggies, packaging chicken for the freezer, baking a cherry pie, and cleaning. Today I hope to get the last of my sewing stuff re-stashed into my sewing room, give March Lotto blocks a try, and then start getting busy making backings for the four quilt tops I made while in TX. And if I can get into my chiropractor, my life will be much improved!

Hoping everyone has a Fab Friday.

mary z

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Re: FRIDAY, February 23rd

Post by fabricgirl » Fri Feb 23, 2024 5:47 am

Good morning,

Was up early but was doing dishes and making the bed and straighten up this place.

Mary that is a nice pattern but I'm putting that on the back burner for after.
For now I'm not sewing for a while I want a break.

Well thats all the news for now everyone enjoy your day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: FRIDAY, February 23rd

Post by grammiequilts » Fri Feb 23, 2024 5:51 am

Good morning from the road on my phone. We left at 714 am. We will
Be stopping for breakfast soon. Ken makes the decision as to when he wants to stop. He will also decide how far he wants to drive. Without a camper we can go farther. It has been a good trip. And a very relaxing g time. I do t sew I. This truck ( it is my sisters truck ) a lot smaller and no pace to put anything like our big red. So
I just chat with Ken and my sister or listen to my book or nap. Boring sometimes but it is all part of the adventure. Temp is s as out 65 still sunny and nice. I will be glad to get home.
Chris I am so excited for you. Welcome to the Grammas Club. It is a fine place to be. You will be a wonderful gramma. ( you have had lots of practice with all
Of our kiddos. Well we are looking for a breakfast place. Hope you all

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Re: FRIDAY, February 23rd

Post by auntjana » Fri Feb 23, 2024 6:26 am

Good morning!

Something in the middle of the night went boom, a big crash, just as I came out of the bathroom. No, it wasn't me, and now in the light of day, we can't find anything that would have made the noise. With no little furballs living in this house, it's a mystery.

No, the stars didn't get finished, but that's today's project. We only know that my family will be here in March . I suspect around Easter, the end of the month. Kelly, the wife, teaches school. So, will have that time off. Need to get going!

Not much more around here. Picked up groceries yesterday and have a small order to grab today, from the other store. They are doing the shopping for me, it's mostly canned goods.

Hugs, and safe travels,

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Re: FRIDAY, February 23rd

Post by maryq » Fri Feb 23, 2024 6:56 am

Good morning Girls

Happy Friday... tho it isn't quite as exciting as it used to be when I was working! In fact, I'm not sure I like it at all since it means tomorrow is chore day! :lol: :lol:

Maryz.. Oh yes, now that you say quarry I know what you mean. I kind of remember that Mankato has had some, But St. Cloud is more known for them. St. Cloud calls itself "Granite City", not sure how much they are still worked. Northen MN, where DEX is from has "mines" His Dad was killed in an iron mine back in 1957. How was Susie doing? She has another 5-6 weeks? Oh my Gosh... How is her DH doing without her at home?

Lois.... No sewing for a while? Sometimes we just need to take a break and find something else fun to do .. like read some books. or just chill out with a good movie!

Judi... Since you aren't pulling a camper this time, I'm guessing you can make pretty good time and maybe get home by tomorrow? No big camper to clean out etc this time either! Just the suitcases you packed! Will send a little prayer to St Christopher that you have a safe trip!

Jana... Doesn't that just scare the bee-jeezus out of you when you hear a crash in the night? I have a couple things that hang on the wall of my shower, occasionally they fall down--and it seems like it's always the middle of the night!

Chriss... CONGRATULATIONS GRAMMA!!! What wonderful news!!!! Oh my gosh, I bet you are just over the moon!!! There's so many fun things for babies these days. You know, the rest of us also become "unofficial grammas" too, just like we are for Amara!! You're so right, I just might find another UFO... There is a closet full of PIB's "Projects in Boxes" that I could pull out and do, and probably should. I did pull out one yesterday and decided I didn't like it, so it all went back in the box.

Lori... My heart goes out to you for caring for your Dad. It's hard to keep one household running smoothly, never mind two! The last summer, before my Mom went to assisted living, she couldn't be alone--no memory issues, just weak, so my her sister would stay a day or two, my Sister would stay a couple days and I'd go down on the weekends since I was working full time. Sometimes it seemed like a real pain to truck down there (40 miles) but I kept reminding myself that someday she would be gone and I'd miss that time I spent with her. She passed that fall and I cherish every day I spent with her. My little bit of advice..... screw the housework, enjoy your Dad.

So yesterday I did end up staying in all day. Made a couple lotto blocks (pictured over there) and thought.. hey these are kind of fun.. maybe I'll dig out a jelly roll and make a whole quilt! :lol: :lol: I see another UFO in my future!! Today Peggy is picking me up in a little while and we are going to visit Goodwill and maybe Home Depot and then of course, go out to lunch!! One of my favorite things!!

So I'm off now for more coffee and will see y'all tomorrow!

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Re: FRIDAY, February 23rd

Post by purrfect-lady » Fri Feb 23, 2024 7:04 am

LOIS - sometimes we just need a break even from our favorite things. While I missed my sewing room the past four months, it was kind of nice to be thread-free for a while.

JUDI - when traveling, we also like to start early, get about 100 miles under our belt, and then stop for breakfast, my favorite meal of the day!

JANA - I wonder what that crash could have been? I bet you'll find out eventually. Maybe a little earthquake knocked something off a shelf?

MARY Q - glad you got a full sew day! And now you're going to Goodwill! I need a new 9" glass pie plate if you see any. Mine seems to be missing. When my little cookie sheet for the small trailer oven went missing I finally found it 2 years later in Bill's shop. He'd taken it for some greasy man project but swore he hadn't seen it!

I just received my January issue of BLOCK magazine. I took it out of the plastic wrapper and it just fell apart in my hands! Pages went everywhere. I do notice the quality of paper used has been "downgraded" and now this. I've notified MSQC in case they are having a problem with their publisher. Has anyone else who is getting this magazine had this problem? The company responded that they are sending me a new copy.


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Re: FRIDAY, February 23rd

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Fri Feb 23, 2024 9:45 am

Good morning. It's going to be a marvelous day today.

After dinner (spaghetti) last night Jerry decided he wanted to go for a ride and see if his ears would pop. We are at 1300 feet and Mariposa is at 1900 feet. He got into the car in his robe, I wore my slippers and off we went. He says it worked. He's starting to be a bit more mobile yet he sleeps most all day. Such a confusing situation.

Lori, it's so much trying to take care of two houses and the people in them. Even though dad is nearby it's still a lot. My grandma was right next door and still doing her stuff and mine was a chore. I am really glad to see that you take some play time for yourself. I also don't like to pay shipping but am the opposite. I have a hard time finding enough things I want to buy to not pay the shipping, so I usually don't buy anything.

Jana, I often disappear when Jerry is being frustrating. I am glad he says thank you but the sing song thank you dear each time might just get him smacked one day. Wonder what went bang? I also didn't get my project finished yesterday so today is the day.

Maryz, I also pass up deals because of the shipping charges. Ugh, daylight savings time. That means it's almost Marilyns birthday, she will be 21. So nice of you to visit your friend.

Lois, enjoy your down time.

Judi, what a beautiful day for a drive. Sounds like the weather is in your favor. If I get a vote for where to stop for breakfast, I pick someplace that has pancakes.  How long will it take you to get home, will you spend one night along the way or two?

Maryq, do you have a good GoodWill near you? Ours is kind of junky. But there are other great thrift stores sort of near by. I love a good thrift store, wish I were there.

The sewing machine I bought second hand needs a little attention. I really need to take it in to the shop. I also have another littler machine that needs service. What I really want is my old Singer to work again. After about 20 years my Singer started slowing down. I purchased a new peddle for it and that worked for a while but it's moving slowly again. My plan is to get rid of the two smaller machines I have, and if my Singer can't be repaired, I want to replace it. Problem is, there isn't a machine dealer near here. Seems the stores that sell machines are a thing of the past and it's either online or nothing. Thankfully I have a machine to use, I just need to whittle it down to two.

And now it's time for a shower, breakfast, and sewing. You all have a groovy day
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Re: FRIDAY, February 23rd

Post by WeSignificant » Fri Feb 23, 2024 12:26 pm

Good afternoon world. I have my next quilt cut and have started sewing the blocks. It is a quilt I saw in the LQS but didn't really want to sign up for the class, $40 in my pocket. The problem was, getting the pattern. The teacher will of course share it with the students 😀. So.......after a bit of research I found an email address and asked to possibly purchase the pattern but was willing to purchase the whole magazine if needed. Guess what, they sent me the pattern free of charge! It is quite easy looking.

Chriss and Lori caregiver is one of the hardest things you will ever do. As much as I loved Dad, my could he get on my nerves and make me angry. Had to just walk away more than once. I don't like shipping charges either. If it was the actual cost, then so be it but too many companies inflate the shipping.

Uhm Jana, maybe something crashed outside? No fur babies? I thought you had a little kitty? Am I confused?

Maryz odd to have a magazine fall apart like that. Have never seen that happen. Maybe just a bad batch?

Maryq I am so happy you liked the Lotto block. I remember your liking the Dresden plate blocks.

Judi safe travels. It will be good to have you home again.

Lois a break is always nice but don't stray too far away.

Maryz yes my DD is Josiah's grandma. She is my youngest too. My son is the oldest at 50. He will be here to visit in April for the annual trip. First time I will go in a long time that I won't have to worry about Dad.

Flo glad Joe is better. Not too many things worse at my house than a sick husband!

Well, guess I will go see what trouble I can find. Hope you all have a good rest of your day.
A Friend is God's way of making sure we never walk alone!

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