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Saturday April 1st

Daily discussions.
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Re: Saturday April 1st

Post by zfatcat » Sat Apr 01, 2023 8:42 am

The mid west and east coast must be getting the storms we had earlier this week. Our rain totals are way up. We sure needed the rain and we got it.

Maryz, the excitement is building. I bet Autumn is ready to have a baby in her arms.

Chriss, it seems like it take a really long time to get anything done in the medical secretor. From diagnoses to treatment was 4 month for me. It was an agonizing process. I feel for Jerry. The waiting is torture.

Maryq, today will be the 1st day our temps are back to normal. We'll see how long that lasts. We've had hail so much that my succulents are all damaged.

I finished up a mini quilt yesterday. It was so much fun. I'm going to make some more. I posted a picture in photos.

Need to get moving and take Jack for a walk.

Have a wonderful day.
Lori 8-)

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Re: Saturday April 1st

Post by auntjana » Sat Apr 01, 2023 10:53 am

Good morning!

A very beautiful day here. And a very uplifting conference session. This is the first of three sessions today. Now between the break, I'm sewing. Most of the snow at my house has melted off. We will get more on Monday. You know it's the beginning of the end of the snow, because it falls and quickly melts. And the snow doesn't stick to the roads. A good thing!

Not much else here. One of the last two cabinets that were missing for Sarah arrived and is installed. The last will be here next week. All that's left on the punch list is that and the backsplash. She's still fussing over just the right tile and is auditioning three pieces right now.

Daniel gave me 5 designs to choose from for my shelves. I picked 9ne and he'll get that started.

Enjoy your day!

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