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Monday May 16,2022

Daily discussions.
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Re: Monday May 16,2022

Post by maryq » Mon May 16, 2022 8:09 am

Good Morning Girls

Happy Monday to you all! It's a beauty up here in Minnesota.. Birds are singing... they must be happy about something!

Lois... Even tho you don't NEED any more fabric... you do have to just go LOOK! no harm in that.. and you might just find something you can't live without! Last time I was there, there was some cute stuff I could have gone crazy for!

Becca... Oh dear honey... I do hope you can find some relief from the TGN.. I know what the initial stand for but other than that I don't know much about it... is it painful?

Diane.... I don't watch the news much, but I did the about the church online a bit this morning. Sounds like the congregation stopped the guy!? It just makes me wonder, why is every one so angry!????

Judi.... You are going on a LONG trip!!!! All the way to WV? Do you have to make reservations all along the way or do you just find a spot to park as you go? I love my new neighbor... but she is a quite a talker too... I chalk it up to living alone and having no body to talk to all day... I'm afraid I may end up like that! :lol: :lol:

Maryz.... I see Diesel fuel is way over $5/gal here... Is it worse on the west coast? That could certainly put a kibosh on travel plans! My brother has a big diesel truck that pulls their camper, and they have a lot of travel plans this summer too. I originally just went to this gal's to help her sort her fabric... after these quilts are done... I"m DONE! I have too much of my own stuff to do. She wanted help selling it on facebook, but I don't know (nor want to know) how to do that. I can buy on line through FB but not sell... and I certainly don't have time for that. Will be watching for wedding news tomorrow!

Flo.... Ah, so you had to spend a little time with Jack (the ripper) on your quilt? I've been repairing this gal's quilts.. I think I wore out a ripper! And oh my.. you should see the threads every where

Valerie.... lots of Prayers for Dad today.. will be thinking of him all day and sending good thoughts that all the cancer can be removed!

Jana... Oh my gosh!! Is everybody ok? Anybody hurt? Please let us know.. I'll come back later and check in... In the meantime... prayers headed to Utah!

Well, I sure have my work cut out for me! I need to spend a good deal of time in the garage today getting all my junk packed in the car to take to WI tomorrow. Hoping I can FIT all the stuff I want to get rid in the car. Then it's clean up the threads and stuff in the house from all the ripping I've been doing.

Some good news to report tho... My Sister's daughter Meaghan was in New York with her BF visiting his family. While there he proposed! So I get to make a wedding quilt!!!! They set the date 05-05-23! So I have a year... I better start now!!!! Though I haven't made one for Jen and Dave yet --oops---

Better grab some more coffee and head out to garage!

Am thinking I might take my computer with me this trip and will try to keep in touch.. I should take a photo of the garage so you can see all the stuff for sale!

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Re: Monday May 16,2022

Post by womster » Mon May 16, 2022 9:34 am

Good morning!

Lois – I hope you have a great time at The Lobby. Wish we could get some moisture.

Becca – I looked up TGN and it sounds horrible. I hope they can give you some relief.

Diane – only God knows when it will stop. I’m so glad your DGD and friend were ok.

Judi – I’ll take your rain! My DH also likes to stop for a good breakfast after leaving at o’dark hundred. A great way to start off a road trip. Have fun!

Maryz – sorry you were hacked. I changed most of my online accounts to two-factor authentication just for the reason you mentioned. How rude of someone to do that! I love the sound of your Irish Chain. The wedding sounds like it will be delightful.

Flo – glad your repair job is done on the quilt.

Lyn – we’re heading for Ohio on June 1st.

Valerie – my DH had that done on his nose twice. I think they’d have to knock him out if he ever needed it done again. Prayers said for your sweet dad.

Jana – I hope and pray Sandee and Ethan are ok.

TinaB – Amen!

Has anyone heard from Tina in NM? Their fires sound dreadful.

My DS2’s middle daughter (Sammy) seems to have inherited severe depression from her father – she was hospitalized last week. Unfortunately, she is on Medicaid and the best they could offer in the way of help was to transport her by ambulance to Kentucky, a good three hours away, to a lock-down facility. DS2 declined and so now we wait for someone to call back to help. At least the charge nurse at the hospital passed Aaron a note to take her to Dayton should this happen again before she turns 18 (in September). All the adolescent MH centers in their county closed down. And here I thought there were bucket loads of money being poured into MH, especially for kids!

We have had several graduation parties and soccer playoff games and the like occupying a lot of our time. I cleaned out my fridge – what an unfun job. I need to get caught up on office work and then go sew some more rows. Have a glorious day! xoxo Sharona

Maryq - I stepped on your hairs! Jack the Ripper - I love that! Your machine is going to be busy making those wedding quilts. Congrats to your niece.

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Re: Monday May 16,2022

Post by auntjana » Mon May 16, 2022 10:26 am

OK, I'm back.

Just talked to Sarah. Ethan and Sandee are sore, but OK. The RAV4 sustained damage but is drivable, but seems to be acting up with the all wheel drive. We can't open the back hatch to check on Ethan's cello for damage yet. Ethan will take some Advil and a nap, then come here later and soak in a nice hot bath in my very deep tub.

In other doings, we got skunked for seeing the eclipse last night. All day, we had very few clouds, but at sunset, a whole bunch rolled in and obscured the moon. Sarah had a bunch of their friends over and her DH had his big telescope out to view the eclipse. They saw a time or two through the clouds. Well all the kids, about 10 of them, were whooping and hollering till about 10 pm, the beginning of quiet hours by code here in Herriman. Then , Sarah realized that if the neighbors turned her in for noise, that the code enforcement officer would be called. No problem, he was already there, making noise with the kids too! That's one of Aaron's duties- LOL!

I've got my uglies done and will head down and quilt .

Thank you for your prayers. They are heard and answered!


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Re: Monday May 16,2022

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Mon May 16, 2022 7:18 pm

Good evening. Here I sit with my ballot on my left ready to fill out and mail in. And on my right are 10 stuffed beanbags ready for me to close up the openings. Wouldn't want to spill the beans, or in this case, the Poly Pellets. The plan is to have both completed tonight.

I had purchased a book for my dad. I took it this morning for the author to sign. The author was two years ahead of my dad in school, Dad is 81. Anyway, I took the book to my dad today, he was surprised.

Tomorrow is brush up on Medicare stuff day. I have my first counseling appointment on Wednesday. I am so nervous and will have to remind myself that I can do this.

Did you see the swap section? Someone is thinking of starting a calendar swap. Only 12 blocks to make. If you are interested check it out. I think it could be fun.

Lois, wish we were getting a storm. We are so nice and cool in the morning, then it heats up enough that we have to close up the house, about 7 pm we open up the house and cool down, but some rain would be a blessing. What did you find at HL?

Becca, I sure wish something could be done to at least help with the pain. I found some wind chimes at the sale. I'm a wind chime addict. Found a few other must have items. Not too much.

Diane, so glad Piper is safe. It's difficult, you don't want to be too afraid to go out but you have to be so aware of your surroundings when you do go out. Sadly everyone needs to have an action plan just in case.

Judi, I wonder if your neighbor tells you about her ailments because you are a nurse? Enjoy your trip and I like Ken's idea of going out to breakfast.

Maryz, funny you are thinking Double Irish Chain. I was thinking of doing a triple. I think about more than I do. We didn't spend a lot at Costco because we stuck to our list. I do think it's funny. We spend 10 or 12 dollars on a one pound bag of dog treats but won't spend that much on a one pound steak. An after the wedding picnic sounds wonderful.

Flo, nice that you were able to repair that quilt oopsie. I also don't open anything or answer anyone who I don't know.

Lyn, hope you had safe travels to Ohio.

Valerie, prayers have been said. Hope it went well.

Jana, prayers just said for all involved and related to the accident. How are they now? Aww, just read that everyone is doing ok. huge blessing. We also tried to watch the eclipse last night but by 10pm chose to fall asleep instead.

Maryq, yay for getting to make a wedding quilt. Yes, I would love to see all the stuff for sale. Have a safe trip. I would also be done helping with the sale of a lot of sewing stuff. So much to do so little time.

Sharona, so sad about mental health centers. There are very few here too. I hope Sammy gets help before she turns 18. I asked Tina about the fires a week or so ago. They are 2 1/2 hours from her but blowing the other way so she is safe.

I have work to do here with the sewing and voting. I think I will vote, put my ballot in the to be mailed pile, go get some strawberries, yogurt and granola, then sew those beanbags closed.

You all have a great night.
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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