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Friday, December 3, 2021

Daily discussions.
Posts: 12646
Joined: Sun Jan 21, 2007 5:23 pm

Re: Friday, December 3, 2021

Post by maryq » Fri Dec 03, 2021 8:42 am

Good Morning Girls

Happy FRIDAY! Both my computer and I are a little sluggish this morning... coffee will "cure" me, but this old computer may have to be retired! I keep thinking I'll get a new one, one of these days, but the thought of transferring all the files etc.. UGH. Doesn't help that it's pretty gloomy outside!

Teresa.... Every once in a while, we need to rethink our lives... move things around, change things up, find new focuses. So, don't feel bad about giving up lotto... it's just time to "re-locate".. if you know what I mean. Valerie will do a great job too and as promised... I will participate as much as I can!

Lois.... Don't you hate that...waking up all stuffy! I have to keep my bedroom door closed to keep the cat out and I swear I wake up stuffy. I'm going to leaving my window open a crack and see if a little fresh air helps... at least until it's get down to 30 below zero!

Suzette... Hey! Happy Birthday!! Hope you get to do something fun today... Decorating is fun right?
not sure about the laundry, but have a fun dance with Mr. Maytag!

Diane ... I bet you are just "over the moon" happy to have family close by this year and others flying in!
Will be so fun to have the teen age girls around... even tho they get a little hmmmm what's the word... "hormonal" from time to time. They will have a great time decorating their tree.

Jana... Oh how we would love to see a before and after photo of your hair cut! My DDIL Sara grows her hair really long, takes about 2.5 years, with little trims along the way... then she donates it all. She has the most beautiful thick hair so I'm sure they are able to make a couple wigs out of it for those in need. Sugar cut out cookies, my favorite... or wait is it Spritz? or Tea cakes? Guess I'll have to make them all and see which is favorite.

Maryz... Good news to see that you have safely landed at your Texas home... even if it's not the perfect spot...Bren only like blaze orange for hunting! He's such a funny kid.. you ask him what he wants for Christmas.. he says "nothing" He's going to get a lot of gas money--that's what will make him happy.

Judi... How was your trip to Canada? Everything go smoothly? Guess a US citizens you HAVE to let back in. When the kids lived there, they could have visited the US but unsure if they would have been able to get back to Canada. SO much nicer to have them here.

Velda... My Box is sitting right next to me here in my office... It's killing me! Won't be long now! only 7 more days!

Valerie...Thank you for taking over lotto!! It was always one of my favorite things, kind of challenged me to from time to time. Once things settled down around here and I get all set up in my new place, I'll sure join as much as I can!

Sharon.... Nope, it is probably Norco with Advil. Norco has Tylenol in it so they won't want him taking too much more Tylenol Advil with help with swelling and inflammation. Congrats on the new GGS! How fun to have a baby around again. May is such a perfect month... not too hot, not too cold LOL

Well, my coffee is kicking in so I can get in gear.. Need to see if I can rearrange some furniture today and get ready to get a tree up over the weekend. Evie is home with me today, so I'll get her to get OUT of her room and help!

SS countdown begins... 6 days and a wake up!

Posts: 8787
Joined: Sat May 05, 2007 4:08 am

Re: Friday, December 3, 2021

Post by KATHYSQUILTS » Fri Dec 03, 2021 9:04 am

Good Sunny Cold Morning.......

The lake is thinly frozen over. Sure smells like winter.

WELL I have really good news!! What they saw in my breast are calcium deposits, recently formed. When the Dr told me I just sat there and cried. I just couldn't face one more 'thing'. I'm so blessed to have skipped this one. Thanks for your prayers.

Yesterday's weather caught me by surprise a huge wind just appeared & off went my power. And me with no water in the tub. Got it back before the house got to cold. I requested 2 of those camper lanterns for Christmas. Don't know why I never thought about them before!

Looking forward to some packages coming. I ordered some jelly rolls also I ordered a Ninja
oven/toaster/cooker thing off the TV......QVC!!! Both DDs thought it was a really good choice for me.

I'm off to the land of the uglies.

Love & Prayers...............Kathy

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