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Wednesday, September 22

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Re: Wednesday, September 22

Post by fabricgirl » Wed Sep 22, 2021 7:12 am

Mary Z and Chris's,

I'm making the quilt for our great nephew Austin for Christmas I think he will be getting a big boys bed real soon and he Loves dinosaur 🦕.


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Re: Wednesday, September 22

Post by KATHYSQUILTS » Wed Sep 22, 2021 7:44 am

Good Chilly Damp...rain tomorrow....Morning.................

They found someone to help with the house work. So today I need to clean up some. She comes tomorrow at 8am for 2hours. It is inspiring me to go through the last of the paper work. I would like to like to bake some bread too, we'll see. Nothing else going on here.

Suzette.....happy to hear DH's good news. I like the white in my sewing room also. It doesn't reflect others on my fabric.

Lois.......hope the test went well. What is it?

Judi.........it's started to rain here in the last few minutes. Love the sound of your quilt.

Jana.......sounds like a full day for you.

Diane.....I'm happy you have family moving to SC.

Becca.......Prayers for your friend. A trip to the bakery sounds good....I need some bread.

Maryz......hope the chiro appt straightens you all out today.

Chriss.......I forgot to post my hints for my Santa. I'll do it after this post. Good luck with your plan.

Love & Prayers............Kathy

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Re: Wednesday, September 22

Post by maryq » Wed Sep 22, 2021 8:28 am

Good Morning Girls

Oh What a beautiful morning! A little on the chilly side, but I'm loving that! "Sweata wetha"

Suzette... Oh gosh.. what wonderful news that DH's came ok BENIGN! A huge sigh of relief at your house. LOVE teal.. its' my new favorite color Every time I even SEE anything teal.. I have to have it. And you can't go wrong with white...

Lois... A Balance test??? That's one I haven't heard of. I thought they just checked your balance if the Police Officer pulled you over for erratic driving? :lol: :lol: -- you know the walk-in-a-straight line. ?
I finally got all my gnome mug patterns printed out and might just trace then for fun. I do like that part, but running heat and bond through the printed worked ok too. Saves printer ink to do by hand.

Judi.... I sure don't envy you that job of cleaning sheet rock dust! That stuff gets EVERYWHERE!!! So glad you have a mask to wear too... Now that Ken is back to back... I vote hiring a handy man to help finish up that basement. You could try the "hold my breath until I turn blue" plan... or be a little less obvious and compile a list of local contractors! :lol: :lol:

Jana... All your uglies are done??? I have a few on the to-do list, but I'm going to wait until Saturday until the kids are home and then, little do they know---the get to help. My downstairs bathroom is the "boys room" so THEY are going to have to clean it! UGH!

Diane.... I just know how excited you are to have you DS and DIL close by! Are you planning on going over to help them unpack? If you need more help.. holler... I do love getting things all organized. Does your DIL sew/quilt etc?

Becca.... Sending some prayers for your friend in TN... My Bff's daughter has Covid too and she is just miserable..

Maryz... How fun to meet new people in your Boondocker spot! Glad you are seeing some improvement in your wrist with the laser treatment. If I had known that would have possibly fixed mine... I'd wouldn't have gone through surgery! :)

Chriss.... That's a new one for me... "turned their listening skills off" I'm going to remember that! No new news about a townhouse for me. I did ask Shawn about a timetable... but they are looking at after the first of the year... which is fine. Every day I look for townhouses around me and out of 27 showing up 25 are already sold--pending or contingent. The go so fast, I almost have to be packed and ready to go!

Kathy.... Oh wonderful... I was just going to send you a message to post your hints! Your Santa wants to start shopping! :lol:

Guess I better get in gear... going to grab some more coffee and putts around a little bit before I go into town for a hair cut.. Got my quilt done yesterday and have 1/2 of the binding sewn down. Will finish that tonight. Am still trying to rearrange and clean up my sewing room.. There's a few tote boxes of fabric I like to keep near by rather than in the garage... but that room is getting crowded so Shawn and I are coming up with a plan. He'll be able to help me finish this weekend.

So... off I go!!!
Have a wonderful Wednesday Y'all.

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Re: Wednesday, September 22

Post by womster » Wed Sep 22, 2021 8:35 am

Good morning!

Suzette – that is wonderful news about your DH. Like Maryz and Chriss, my sewing room is yellow. So cheerful and bright, even when it’s raining

Lois – did you study for your balance test?! ;) Tracing dinosaurs sounds like fun.

Judi – I’m so glad you translated FBTSOYP. I hope the work does get done before the holidays.

Jana – glad your team won

Diane – only five more Sundays – yay!

Becca – yippy for the sunshine tomorrow. Prayers for your TN friend.

Maryz – I’m so glad you aren’t looking at surgery for your carpal tunnel. Have fun at the chiro.

Chriss – uh-oh – listening skills are so hard to remember when you’re young. I bet they don’t do that again. Glad you have an elf plan.
Kathy – hurry for the end of the paperwork. How lovely to have someone help with the housework.

Maryq – happy haircut day! The first of the year is less than four months away! How lovely to have a built-in helper like Shawn.

It is REALLY cold here today – the house was 62. If it was up to me, I’d have turned the heat on last night, even though we will probably need the a/c later today. It’s going to be back up in the 80s for the next week or so. Oh I did manage to get the ipad fixed last night with a very helpful Apple guy. I’m headed to Walmart and then out to sew some masks for the OH DGD. Have a glorious day! xoxo Sharona

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Re: Wednesday, September 22

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Wed Sep 22, 2021 12:47 pm

Good afternoon, the smoke is pretty thick here, so thankful we can turn on the A/C and shut up the house. It's a whopping 90 degrees here in the sticks

Tried to take my clothes donation to the thrift store but they aren't taking clothes this week, so they will have the pleasure of seeing me next week. Lucky them! I did buy a few things. A three hole punch, some quilt books and another angel for my collection.

Curious, what do you collect? My thing is angels and porcelain thimbles. I even have some wood thimbles. Love them. Might be cool if my elf answered this question.

Kathy, glad you got those hints listed. Wouldn't want you to get coal in your stocking. I could use a cleaning person. I would love to empty my house and have it thoroughly cleaned, have the windows adjusted so each one opens and closes with ease. Then buy all new furniture. If only. Yay for having gone through all that paperwork and being almost done with it.

Maryq, Guess you need to find a relator who can give you a heads up before the condo's go on the market or, if they have a HOA, call and ask what is coming up for sale and save the relator fees for both you and the seller. Guess I can wait till the first of the year. Yep, those boys sure weren't listening yesterday but their parents had a talk with them and today they were in tune. got up, got dressed, ate breakfast, teeth brushed and hair combed. They were ready early so we got to play a board game before school. Their ears were sure turned on today. They got high praises from me all morning. those Gnome mug rug patterns are adorable, I just love them.

Judi, can you clean sheetrock dust the way a chimney sweep uses a fan to keep the soot from coming into the house? just a thought.

Sharona, your Ohio DGD will love getting masks from grandma. I made some LA Dodgers masks for the boys next door, they were a hit. Your girl will love hers, did she pick a theme? My neighbor boys had their ears turned on and I never had to ask them to do something twice.

Not much else going on here. hope you all have a groovy rest of the date.

Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Wednesday, September 22

Post by zfatcat » Wed Sep 22, 2021 1:48 pm

Chriss, hotter here....96. Supposed to cool off starting tomorrow. As for collecting things....fabric, thread, patterns, quilting books...really anything quilting related. I have quite a large collection. lol
Lori 8-)

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Re: Wednesday, September 22

Post by auntjana » Wed Sep 22, 2021 2:03 pm

Chriss -
I have collections of many things-Lladro cats, other cat figurines as well, glass insulators, from the top of old PG&E poles, Santas and Nutctackers. I love dishes, teacups and saucers. And then there is FABRIC, and all things quilting!

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Re: Wednesday, September 22

Post by fabricgirl » Wed Sep 22, 2021 3:00 pm

Chriss I never got into collecting anything I guess I'm lucky it's less I have to clean out later. :lol:


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Re: Wednesday, September 22

Post by grammiequilts » Wed Sep 22, 2021 4:18 pm

Chriss I collect sheep. I fell in love with them in Ireland...when we visited there, they are soft snd I love wool. I also collect Salmonfalls Pottery that my friend Chrissy1 got me started on. I also collect buttons...I take them off old clothes that are going to the rag bag...and When I go to thrift shops I look for jars and tins of old buttons. xxxxoooo to answer your question the answer is no...if you start up a fan any here near the sheet rock dust it goes every here,,,

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