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SUPPER CLUB - Friday, April 9th

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SUPPER CLUB - Friday, April 9th

Post by purrfect-lady » Fri Apr 09, 2021 6:36 am

Good happy morning!

Today is ugly day, but we've been kind of tidy this week so it won't be a big deal. I will straighten, dust, and clean bathrooms. Bill will vacuum. We'll be whirling dervishes for about 90 minutes and we'll be done. I hope. Now I need to just send him the memo . . . . Yesterday I quilted my UGRR and have it half bound. Will finish that this morning and maybe put it on the bed. It's a biggie - 86x100. Too big to store! lol! I made a little progress on my Scaredy Cat runner, too. So I will probably work on that some ore today, too.

I read that Prince Philip has died. I've always thought of him as like a Ken doll. You want him to complete the set and to see him in all the cool outfits he wears, but really, Elizabeth is the star of the show. They were married for more than 70 years. I wonder if this will shake up the monarchy.

Jana - That is too funny! I bet that is a first in the quilting world! Thread your hair into a needle. But good to know if you run out of that color thread, you have back-up! You are BBQ'ing macaroni and cheese??! Go for it!

Becca - do you ever quilt with your sewing machine? Some of the girls here do it - even big quilts - and I did in the past before I got my LA. But I've also quilted a Grandmother's Flower Garden paper pieced queen quilt by hand. It's definitely a labor of love! Good luck at the DDS today!

Pizza last night was good. And I loaded it with everything I could find. So we still have half of that for tonight. Yum!

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Friday, April 9th

Post by auntjana » Fri Apr 09, 2021 10:34 am

Good morning!

Mary - you're not going to know what to do with yourself - clean house and clean windows! And you didn't have to do the windows!

Quiet day around here. Ethan is at his house. He worked hard this week to earn a day off. Ethan decided that he likes me better than mom to be his teacher. I guess Grandmas have more patience. I am shortly heading down to the Batt Cave. Put off the dishes long enough- can you tell, I hate doing dishes! My mom made me a deal when I was young, I cooked, she cleaned up the mess. Habits die hard! LOL!

Sarah is stopping by later, I need a little of her expertise at making a slide presentation for my lesson on Sunday. I'm mostly done, just some colors I don't like and haven't figured how to change.

Dinner - another banned day. It is such a favorite and has been sorely missed during this past year.

Stay Safe!

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Friday, April 9th

Post by Becca » Fri Apr 09, 2021 2:41 pm

Hello everyone It’s been a beautiful day
In 80s
I got DDS done Picked up milk & got a card for my niece that has cancer She isn’t doing good
Had to stop at hardware too
Maryz Glad you’re all clean & tidy

I tried quilting with Machine one time & I wasn’t happy with results I wish I could I may try again I got it in the frame today & started quilting It will definitely be a labor of love I’m not even sure I can do it I guess I didn’t start on a good day because I was tired whenI started

JanaGrandmas are always better than parents lol Sure he’s a sweet one

We had chicken pot pie We finished it off so new food tomorrow

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Friday, April 9th

Post by zfatcat » Fri Apr 09, 2021 8:21 pm

Jana, I'm sure Mary has a closet that needs straitening somewhere in the house. lol In our house, if you cook, you don't have to clean. I cook, DH does the dishes. Works for me.

Mary, is your runner a pattern, or did you just make it up? I came across those patterns "Purrfectly Pieced" the other day. I think you were interested in them. If you want them I'll send them to you.
Prince Philip a Ken doll. I see that.

Becca, what kind of a frame are you using? Is it an embroidery machine? I do a lot of simple straight lines. People who aren't quilter's don't notice fancy quilting. I doing diamonds on a quilt now. Big diamond.

I got an email yesterday about the quilt show, "Quilts in the Garden." So I'm planning my trip for September. So glad this is a regular show now. I love the setting. I finished up a few tops this week. So I went to the LQS today and got batting and backing, and have them layered. I quilted a small panel with a border and started one of the other quilts. I would like to get them done this weekend if possible. Ones going to my DS and one to DH's cousin in Illinois. I'm trying to keep things moving out of the house.

Dinner was grilled burgers and baked beans.

Sleep well my friends.

Lori 8-)

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