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Re: March LOTTO Block - CHANGE - SCRAPPY JACOB's LADDER - Spring - ALL REC'd - Please Post Pictures :)

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 1:00 am
by purrfect-lady
TERESA, I used both the method you illustrated here and Eleanor's directions in her UGGR book.

As for the last egg hunt I can recall where I was the hunter and not the hider - was when I was pretty young. I grew up on a farm with lots of places purrfet for hiding and it just wasn't Easter if we didn't have at least 6 dozen colored eggs. If weather was cooperative, my parents hid them outside while we hid our eyes inside, in the laundry room where there were no windows for peeking. With that many eggs, and only two little girls hunting, it took most of the morning to find them all. And my most memorable 'find' was an Easter egg alright - but it was from two years prior and had never been found! The year before had been rainy so the egg hunt had been in the house so my mom pronounced the rotten egg to be at least 2 yrs old. And despite all my efforts, I couldn't get my sister to eat it.

Re: March LOTTO Block - CHANGE - SCRAPPY JACOB's LADDER - Spring - ALL REC'd - Please Post Pictures :)

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 4:14 am
by billizzy
Teresa count me in I am gonna try to make a couple of these today:) It's a me day and I wanna play :)

My favorite easter egg hunt:
Of course are the ones we put on at church for the kids first and foremost. But personally, my favorite was the first one I took my daughter on when she was 2. She still could not walk and I had to carry her; we went to the big park in town I would say there were 100 kids in her age section. We stood there with all the others. There were eggs everywhere. I let all the kids run out when they said go. I was amazed at how all the kids skipped over all the close eggs. they all ran way out there for the bigger ones LOL. So I would bend down and get Tess to pick up an egg here and there. She probably got about 20 before I was giving out. We then went to a picnic table to open them because there were prize eggs :) SHE won a big prize a solid oak rocking chair. WE went to pick up the chair such a beauty and I still have it in the basement:) Teresa I think it was in the room you all stayed in with a Lil bunny sitting in it :) Well that lil rocker will be passed on to her Nephew my first grandson here in may:) Excited to see it in use once again :)


Re: March LOTTO Block - CHANGE - SCRAPPY JACOB's LADDER - Spring - ALL REC'd - Please Post Pictures :)

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 5:00 am
My Easter story egg hunt is odd but here it goes.
About 35 years ago a store in Canton was having a promotional egg hunt for adults Yes I said adults. There were 3 golden eggs hidden somewhere in the lot across from the store. You had to donate a couple of dollars to join in. I convinced my x to let me try. Inside the golden eggs were gift certificates to their store. I believe they were for 25 50 100 just do not remember . Well to beat all upon running to get to lot I found one of the golden eggs. Yeppers 25 dollars and a free pizza dinner. Of course I spent the money on buying my kids new Easter clothes and baskets. And while I was doing this my dear mother took the kids to the childrens easter egg hunt They had a blast. Came back with toys and candy. We all had a great day.

I have 4 blocks done but month is just starting LOL

Re: March LOTTO Block - CHANGE - SCRAPPY JACOB's LADDER - Spring - ALL REC'd - Please Post Pictures :)

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 9:37 am
by QuiltGram8


It's not much, Teresa, but I have two blocks to send.


Re: March LOTTO Block - CHANGE - SCRAPPY JACOB's LADDER - Spring - ALL REC'd - Please Post Pictures :)

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 10:36 am
by billizzy
Teresa will these fabrics work or are they too dark??




Re: March LOTTO Block - CHANGE - SCRAPPY JACOB's LADDER - Spring - ALL REC'd - Please Post Pictures :)

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 5:36 pm
by TeresaK
Sorry for the delay in answering Izzy. It was a day of Dr's and a STAT MRI on my neck. Still having trouble turning it to the right. Thanks for asking about the fabric. I love the pink and the purple but I think the background for the flowers is to dark for this block. Hope you have some lighter backgrounds in your stash. Happy Diving!!!
How wonderful that your Easter Egg Hunt gave you a rocking chair to treasure for so long and now will be a treasure for a new little one!! These are the moments that give us so much joy overflowing.

Velda - 2 blocks is WooHoo FABulous!!!! I know how busy you are with your Church quilts. Thanks for enjoying this journey and sending them for others to enjoy!! I know they will LOVE them.

Mary - What an awesome Mom you had. I know you miss her greatly. Such a true sister you are!!! Shhhh don't tell - I would have tried the same thing but which sister would I have to choose? I have 4 sisters to trick :) :)

Katy - I don't think I have ever been to an Adult Easter Egg Hunt. Sounds like it was a BLAST!!! To come away with such a terrific prize and what an awesome Mom you are to spend it on the kids :) :) Did anyone take pictures-teehee :)

Re: March LOTTO Block - CHANGE - SCRAPPY JACOB's LADDER - Spring - ALL REC'd - Please Post Pictures :)

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 3:42 am
by shelly322002
Hi all, these blocks are looking great!!

Sorry to hear you're still having problems with your neck Teresa, that can't be much fun at all! :(

I've finally managed to find time to put my block together correctly! looks much better now!
I'll have a look at the rest of the blocks very soon :)

Happy sewing all! Love & hugs Jacquie xxx


Re: March LOTTO Block - CHANGE - SCRAPPY JACOB's LADDER - Spring - ALL REC'd - Please Post Pictures :)

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 7:06 am
by shelly322002
Gosh Teresa!! What have you done to me!!!
I am so in love with this block!!! I think I will definitely be making a quilt out of these!!! Fingers crossed that I win!!
Positive thoughts! Positive thoughts!!!!!!!!
Keeping all my fingers and toes crossed for this month!!

Here are my first 4 blocks!! Woohoooo!!!


Love and hugs!! J xxx

Re: March LOTTO Block - CHANGE - SCRAPPY JACOB's LADDER - Spring - ALL REC'd - Please Post Pictures :)

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 11:44 am
by TeresaK
GREAT JOB Jacquie! Sorry you had to do some "Frogging" but it looks sooooooooo much better now. It can be tricky on the placement. Love, LOVE your fabrics.

Happy Stitching everyone!!! Watch out on the direction of your second so you don't waste time ripping out those BEAUTIFUL stitches.🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

Re: March LOTTO Block - CHANGE - SCRAPPY JACOB's LADDER - Spring - ALL REC'd - Please Post Pictures :)

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 8:45 am
by shelly322002
Hi Teresa, I'll be posting off my 4 blocks to you tomorrow. Unfortunately I won't have time to make more blocks as Mum has asked me to alter a skirt for her, so I will be a little busy this week with that.
I will have the girls tomorrow so I will take little Eliza into town with me to post it.

Hugs!! Jacquie xxx