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Re: Christmas Stockings for Troops

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 2:43 pm
by teacupdelights
GP - Do you need money to buy "stuffings" for the stockings??? Or would you prefer us to send items to you instead? Seems better use of funds to provide you with the cash, since you need to pay for shipping as well.

Can you email me where to send stockings, and $$$?????

Thanks again for all you are doing, and for including all of us to take part in sending our loving support to the troops.

God bless.

Re: Christmas Stockings for Troops

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 9:28 am
by Georgiapeach! You bet we could use all the help we can get with this! Thank you so much....I am off to message you now! LOL!

Re: Christmas Stockings for Troops

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:06 pm
by Itchn2Bstitchn
I've got 20+ going in the mail tomorrow. Oh, and GP, you'll find your missing crown jewels in the bottom of the box!

Re: Christmas Stockings for Troops

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 5:27 am
by dsf618
GP - I just sent you a pm - is it too late to make stockings? I have enlarged the pattern so it measures at least 18 inches top to bottom.

Let me know!

Re: Christmas Stockings for Troops

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 5:43 am
by Georgiapeach
Deb, no it's NOT too late! Did you receive my message? Itchn, can't wait to receive your package, you've got my curiosity up good!

We're going to mail out the stockings towards the later part of November, approx. around the 20th or so. And we can still use all the stockings we can get, so all are very much appreciated! Monday I'll have pics to post after Nadine2007 and myself do some shopping for the fillers! I'm meeting her in Columbus this coming Sunday.


Re: Christmas Stockings for Troops

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 10:30 am
by dsf618
GP - Got your pm and am anxious to get home and wrestle around in my stash!


Re: Christmas Stockings for Troops

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 2:51 pm
by quiltwithmom
Will you be taking pictures when the staff and you FILL the stockings? I and I'll bet others would love to see that. Especially after seeing you and Bev in action! I know you said you will dress with up with santa hats, can't wait to see that!


Re: Christmas Stockings for Troops

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 4:33 am
by Georgiapeach
Kathy, yes I'll be posting pics every step of the way with this project! We're going to have a Christmas party, our crew will be wearing Santa hats (whether they like it or not! LOL!) and I'll serve hot chocolate and Christmas cookies, and play Christmas carols while we fill the stockings. I thought I'd put boxes of goodies on the table and let everyone take a stocking and fill it, so all the stockings have an equal amount of goodies inside. There'll be lots of pics because there are so many stockings, but I want everyone to see the stockings they contributed.

The past two days I've received 35 more gorgeous stockings! DH has found another unit of 150 soldiers, so that brings the # of soldiers we're sending to up to almost 500! Last count we had approx. 260 stockings. Anyone who would like to contribute a stocking...PLEASE DO!!!! LOL! This is just incredible, every goal we've set we've blown by and we are just amazed! Ya'll have just been wonderful to contribute so much! I love that this many soldiers will be receiving a stocking! I've received e-mails from Sargeants in Iraq telling me the guys want individual packets of pre-sweetened Kool-Aid. So, I've ordered CASES of it! Each stocking will get a box of 16 individual Kool-Aid packets, and I've ordered assorted flavors. That is supposed to arrive on Monday. Next week I'll start making the Christmas cards that will go in each stocking. I'm in my "Sugar Plum Fairy Mode" and will be playing my CD of The Nutcracker Suite...sure to drive our crew bonkers! (which truly adds to the joy for me!!! LOL!) I want to share every step of this with ya'll so you can see how your hard work making stockings, and your monetary contributions are being handled. I just wish ya'll could see them all together in person like I get to! It's VERY touching, believe me. Thanks so very much for all ya'll have done to make this happen, and again....we can still use more if anyone wants to contribute!

Re: Christmas Stockings for Troops

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 7:16 am
by ladybess
17 more will be in the mail on Tuesday (my car battery died this morning). Lori

Re: Christmas Stockings for Troops

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 2:31 pm
by akeleyquilter
I can have my group make more stockings. How many more do you need?
A friend of mine sent a package in August to her grandson in Iraq.
He just got it the other day. I guess the sooner we mail them the better. Let me know what we can do.
