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Planning El's Angels First Friday Night Sew-In !

Discussions about Projects & Donations for special causes.
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Re: Planning El's Angels First Friday Night Sew-In !

Post by ladiehummer » Wed Nov 14, 2007 1:56 pm

GP- I love your plan of prayer, boas, and tiara. Sounds just perfect to me. When do we start?

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Re: Planning El's Angels First Friday Night Sew-In !

Post by quiltwithmom » Wed Nov 14, 2007 3:42 pm

GP did you set a time for us to meet?
I will not be able to sew, but will stick my head in the door and see how things are going. I mentioned in a post that is now on pg 3....that our son is here for a few days. I'm sure like now, I will have time while my husband and our son are watching TV.
Have fun!

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Re: Planning El's Angels First Friday Night Sew-In !

Post by QIAD-Linda » Wed Nov 14, 2007 5:10 pm

I won't be able to be there, am leaving for my son's house early Friday morning. I will take my laptop along and see if I can get a connection. I won't be able to sew but I can chat up a storm! lol

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Re: Planning El's Angels First Friday Night Sew-In !

Post by astitchintime » Wed Nov 14, 2007 6:19 pm

Hello Angels ~ All the ideas for the Friday night sew-in are great. DH may have to work late so I am going to pick up supper on the way home from work, set up the extra coffee pot in my newly cleaned and organized sewing room and pack in the snacks. Then I will fire up the computer, turn on the sewing machines and be ready for our opening prayer. Then the tiara and boa go on and it is time to get down to the real fun of the evening.

GP ~ Just let us know when, we know where and then off we go to the land of stitching sisters, snacks and sewing!! I am looking for my DVD with Christmas music and plan to sing El's Angels are coming to town. Good thing for all of you that you don't live close enough to hear that! LOL What fun we will all have.

Happy stitching!!!

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Re: Planning El's Angels First Friday Night Sew-In !

Post by QuiltinKay » Thu Nov 15, 2007 7:29 am

I'm ready and raring to go for Girl's Night Sew In. That is if I can pretend to be a girl. It's been a long time this this old lady qualified in the girl catagory. But let the good times roll!!!!!!!


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Re: Planning El's Angels First Friday Night Sew-In !

Post by teacupdelights » Thu Nov 15, 2007 6:16 pm

I was browsing in a local store, drooling over their Christmas displays, when I recognized the beautiful voice of Josh Groban. His CD titled "Noel", I believe it is hot off the presses. I bought 2 - one for DD and one for me. We have seen him twice in concert in Atlanta.

I will be playing it tomorrow night when we have our sew-in.

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Re: Planning El's Angels First Friday Night Sew-In !

Post by Georgiapeach » Fri Nov 16, 2007 3:03 am

We've decided to go to the cabin early Sat. a.m instead of tonight, and now I will be able to be in full swing at our first El's Angels Friday night sew-in earlier than I'd thought! Yahoo!!! As usual, I have reserved the right to change my mind about the projects I want to work on! LOL! What I thought I'd do is work on some easy gift items I want to make and do them "assembly line style" since I'm making several just alike. I'm wanting to do one or two to send to QIAD-Linda's fire-victims boutique. I think the deadline she has to have the items is Dec. 1st. So, if I choose easy-to-make items I can have time to get something sent to her in time. I've been thinking about items for her boutique, Christmas stockings, (but excuse me if I'm wanting to make something else right now besides Christmas stockings! LOL!) and let's see, the cute little stuffed teddy bears, table runners or mats, tote bags, what about aprons? I don't know if aprons is what they're looking for. QIAD-Linda has left early this a.m. to go out of town so I thought some of us could surprise her with devoting our first El's Angels Guild meeting to supporting her fire-victims cause. Ya'll give me some ideas of things that are easy to make and would be appropriate for the boutique! Help! LOL! What about pillowcases? I may be way off base here, so I really would like all ya'll's advice and suggestions. Poor Linda is just worn to a frazzle, she is like the energizer bunny and just doesn't slow down, and she has been burning the midnight oil sewing for the fire-victims boutique....I think she needs some help. And since she's out of town, she ain't the boss of me right now! Woo-hoo! Some of you have already made a lot of items for her boutique project, but for those of us who haven't yet, if each of us made just one item while we work on our Christmas gift projects it would really add up for Linda's project.

I've got to do laundry and get my comfy pj's ready for tonight, thank goodness my tiara and boa always stand at the ready and need no attention! LOL!, and I'll be checking in here to see if ya'll have some suggestions for me for the boutique project. Have a great day and looking forward to tonight's party with ya'll! P.S. Quiltin'Kay, we are all little girls at heart and you can sew circles around us...you don't fool me!!!!

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Re: Planning El's Angels First Friday Night Sew-In !

Post by maryq » Fri Nov 16, 2007 5:14 am

A NEW Josh Groban CD OH NO.. .I feel a trip to Walmart coming on. LOVE Josh!!!

I have to work tonite until 9 but As soon as I get home I'm logging on to check up on all of you!!!! Just have to make sure you are all behaving youselves. Without Linda around, somebody has to keep you all in line!

This Morning I cut out another table topper (the one I cut yesterday just didn't look right) Hoping to piece that one tomorrow and quilt the one I have ready. I'm going to TRY quilting it kind of free hand--never done that before, but I practiced the other day with my darning foot (still can't find my walking foot--it's around here somewhere!) didn't look to bad and was kind of fun!!

Have fun tonite everybody.


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Re: Planning El's Angels First Friday Night Sew-In !

Post by Georgiapeach » Fri Nov 16, 2007 5:29 am

Is Josh Groban the one who was on American Idol last season??? maryq, we'll be sewing and gabbing till the wee hours I'm sure, so jump in whenever you get home! Free-motion quilting is fun, it does take practice and a table runner or topper is perfect for that because it's smaller and easier to maneuver around. I've found when I relax and don't try too hard that my meander or stipple is more fluid and rounded, and when I'm serious and trying too hard that's when I get the pointy thing going on! You know what REALLY helps me a lot with it?...that Sew Slip thing you put on the bed of your machine...it makes the quilt move and slide so much easier, I really like mine. I'll bet you really get into this and enjoy it! See ya later in your pj's with hot chocolate or drink of choice!

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Re: Planning El's Angels First Friday Night Sew-In !

Post by Tulpje » Fri Nov 16, 2007 8:00 am


Wish I could B there. LOL, or not. Having a wonderfull time at camp cedar glen.

Having fun with Ann. Met CarolJ <what a sweety>

Took a ton of pics and 2 video's.


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