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Re: Stockiings for the Troops Project

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 12:46 pm
by teacupdelights
Thank you for letting us participate in this gift of love to the troops abroad. Your energy, example, and enthusiasm was contagious and just lit the fires in all of us.

And you can be as longwinded as you want, any time you want. You have a lot to say, and your heart just overflows through your words.

:) {{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}

Re: Stockiings for the Troops Project

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 2:44 pm
by justdawne
Three things.

#1 Wow.

#2 Wow!

#3 This incredible project has touched so many. We need to include the postal worker in that list. I'm sure you were a topic of conversation around her dinner table.

I love that you had the camera ready throughout the process. I plan to do the same thing - photodocument the ability of quilters to band together for positive change. Dare I suggest you create a website?? Hint, hint.

Perhaps the Quilts of Valour sites in the US and Canada would link to your site? People who can't handle making a quilt might be able to tackle a stocking.

Is it too personal to ask how this project is funded? 600 stockings worth of shipping - even unfilled - must add up. I hope you have the support of local businesses. You clearly deserve it.

can't wait to see the pics,

Re: Stockiings for the Troops Project

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:07 pm
by Georgiapeach
Oh what sweet comments everyone has made! To answer your question, Dawne, the funding for the shipping and stocking fillers has been from donations from our wonderful forum members and from my family. My DH and I decided that our family has been so blessed that we wanted to give back and this is our family's Christmas present this year. My youngest son and I are leaving early in the a.m. for the cabin to get all the Thanksgiving preparations done, then the rest of the family will join us tomorrow night. We are off work until Monday...Yahooo!!!!!...and DH will finally have time to post all the pics we've been taking of the stocking project! Dawne, you had some good ideas, I'll keep them in mind and we'll talk more about this.

Re: Stockiings for the Troops Project

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 4:33 pm
by justdawne
Funny thing GP...I was just thnking of you about 5 min. ago. I log on and here is a message. ;)

I attempted, and made, my first ever Christmas stocking today. There are 2 small mistakes nagging at me that likely no one else will ever care about but they bug me. Overall, I'm quite pleased with the end product - the sample I made. It's just big enough to stuff with a large dog bone for our girl Belle. Tomorrow I'll make one for my mother that is wider and without the mistakes.

I was thinking about magnitude of 600 stockings when it took me 2.5 hours to make this one and I already had my 2.5" strips cut and in my drawer.

I am REALLY in awe now of the scope of this project and the obvious support you've enjoyed from this forum. I know you made stockings yourself but even assuming that you didn't and all the stockings were sent to you - the time spent organizing, stuffing, boxing and mailing..... Boggles the mind.

You really are an angel - and a peach!

Re: Stockiings for the Troops Project

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 5:52 am
by MAWmum
I am new here and just saw this post I am amazed at the work you have put into this. You will be very blessed for such wonderful work all of you. It makes my heart happy to see that so many people are willing to do something nice for our troops and now the poor people in CA.
You all deserve a hug and a pat on the back.
I hope you don't mind my just butting into the conversation.

Re: Stockiings for the Troops Project

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 12:29 pm
by SewGlad
GP you are on my "Thankful For" list. I am so glad you are bringing a little of HOME to the soldiers.


Re: Stockiings for the Troops Project

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 3:01 pm
by sunsup
MAWmum, welcome. Feel free to jump right in anytime.

Re: Stockiings for the Troops Project

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 6:26 pm
by QIAD-Linda
We love new members and welcome you with open arms! You will find so many wonderful people here who are the most loving and giving people I have ever "met". We just started this forum in January, 2007, so we are all fairly new. I am so happy to have you join us! Join in on lots of discussions and soon, you will be an oldie but goodie here! lol
Where do you live in Utah? My son and family live in Santa Clara, near St. George.

Happy holidays,

Re: Stockiings for the Troops Project

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 7:29 pm
by MAWmum
Linda I live in Northern Utah about an hour North of SLC in North Ogden.
My MIL and FIL live in San Marcos, CA