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Fabric statch!!

Patterns, Fabric, Suggestions, and more. What to do with everything you've got. Everything's Quilting and Fabric related!
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Fabric statch!!

Post by mcmema » Sun May 27, 2007 4:32 pm

Hi Ladies just want u all to know how lucky you are to have to worry about a place to store your fabric. I am widowed for 12 years and also no disabled (from injuries i received when I was younger) lost 60 percent usage in lower back and 40 in upper. So that means I live on a small pention, but I do try once every month when my check comes in to buy enough fabric for a quilt for one of my 5 kids or my 10 grand children for christmas presents. also some times I can catch a good sale and make them some PJs.
So guess what Im saying is thank your good Lord you are financially fixed to by that fabric! Im so happy for all of you.
When my husband was still alive and we were both working I did the same with yarn! I use to buy it when it was on sale and keep it in the trunk of my car. Then every time he saw a yarn sale in the paper he would say lets go get u some yarn, well one time i didnt get my stach out of the trunk and we got out of the store, He just stood there and laughed so hard and said well I thought u were running low the last time I checked but I better run in and get u another 10 bins to put it in now. when he shoppe for yarn it would be a whole shopping cart full , No exaggeration! O well Memories are the best they never leave your heart.
So happy quilting Ladies and if I ever need a 1/2 yard I will be sure to yell!!! LOL

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Re: Fabric statch!!

Post by quilterbee » Sun May 27, 2007 5:05 pm

You are so right! I have so much to be grateful for but sometimes we quilters get petty about things. And, I admit that I have complained about the house being too small for my hobby, it's 3500 square feet and I have TWO rooms! No more whining, thankyou for putting things into perspective. And, if your needing any fabric, let me know. Amie :o)

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Re: Fabric statch!!

Post by astitchintime » Sun May 27, 2007 5:25 pm

memema ~ Thank you so much, you touch my heart. Check your private messages, please. Chat with us often, we would all love to hear from you and have a wonderful weekend.
Happy stitching!!

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Re: Fabric statch!!

Post by QIAD-Linda » Sun May 27, 2007 7:25 pm

Dear mcmema,
I am so happy that you have joined the Forum. I loved reading your post. You are very blessed to have 5 children and 10 grandchildren! That is wonderful.

I hope you will join in on discussions and tell us more about yourself. I happen to have some extra fabric and would love to send some to you. Please send me an email to: linda@quiltinaday.com and give me your address so I can send it to you.

Great to meet you and I look forward to reading more posts from you.


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Re: Fabric statch!!

Post by SewGlad » Mon May 28, 2007 2:03 am

Check you private message. Glad you have joined.

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Re: Fabric statch!!

Post by quilterliz » Mon May 28, 2007 7:43 am

Mcmema, I understand your situation completely. I am a single mom of 2 children. My daughter is 14 and son is 12. I work as a teacher in a Catholic school and we get paid much less than the surrounding public schools, and recently our medical benefit costs went up significantly. (and no child support) Luckily, I had fabric from back in my married days, but I am now on an extremely tight budget so I can't splurge on fabric and notions very often. I usually tell my family to give me gift certificates or money to buy quilting supplies for my birthday or Christmas. It is my goal to keep my house, and keep the kids fed, since my priority is the roof over my kid's heads. I have done fabric swaps here on the forum, so that I can trade what I have collected for new and different fabrics. You are so thoughtful to make your family lasting, homemade treasures for gifts!

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Re: Fabric statch!!

Post by mcmema » Tue May 29, 2007 4:56 am

My Dear Ladies!
I am soooo sorry if I offended any one. I honestly didnt mean it that way. When I said I was happy for you all I really ment it whole heartly.
As a matter of face those were the posts I enjoyed reading the most.
I love to hear about peoples shopping trips, and to hear how each of you stored it differently going crazy looking for places to put it.
I dont have much laughter in my life so when I needed to smile I would reread the posts.
You are the greatest ladies in the world. There are not many people
left in this lifetime that are so caring and giving and funloving as all of you.
I guess because of my age I was just trying to get a point across of what happened to me. I was a middleclass citizen and had what I needed and wanted then when my husband got cancer we had to use up all our savings cause he couldnt work which ment he lost his insurance, and one pill that he had to take 6 times a day cost 150.00 each. I lost everything in the matter of 6 months.Including my DH.Also our home and now I have to live with my daughter.
So Ladies Please dont take offence to the post I wrote .None was intended. I love people and I have given all my Life and asked nothing back in return and I guess what hurts the most is now all I have left to give is my time.
I prayed and ask God to help me write the proper post so you ladies wouldnt think I was envious and that I really am a loving giving person.I pray each day what happened to me will never happen to any of my friends and that includes this whole group of ladies. (at least I hope your all still my friends!)
So I hope in some way you can all understand what is going on in my crazy head and forgive me.
Love to all

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Re: Fabric statch!!

Post by QIAD-Linda » Tue May 29, 2007 6:07 am

Dear Jennie,
I honestly don't think anyone was offended, I truly loved reading your post. I have found that this community is a loving, giving group. We love to share our blessings with each other. My dad passed away in February and now my Mom is alone for the first time in nearly 65 years. My heart goes out to her in her grief. All my wonderful friends here on the forum helped me through a very difficult time and I feel completely at ease in sharing my joys and sorrows with all of them. I am so happy you have joined us and I hope that you will "talk" to us and share your life with us.

I really want to send some fabric your way so please contact me. It is my joy to share with you, please do not deny me this privilege. Send me a private message or email me directly at linda@quiltinaday.com.


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Re: Fabric statch!!

Post by zfatcat » Tue May 29, 2007 7:33 am

My goodness mcmema, I don't think anyone was offended at all. I think you really made us think about how fortunate we all are. I'm going to sort through my fabric this week and would love to send you some. I have more than I'll ever be able to use. If you message me your address I'll get it off to you.
Lori 8-)

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Re: Fabric statch!!

Post by Quiltcreator » Tue May 29, 2007 7:47 am

I have some for you too! Message me your name/address, plz & I'll send it!

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