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Size of crib quilts vs. blankies

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Size of crib quilts vs. blankies

Post by northbound » Sat Oct 09, 2010 10:11 am

I'm making a simple quilt for a friend's baby (due Dec. 25) and am stewing about the size to make it. Standard crib mattresses are 26 by 48, so it seems like a crib quilt should be around 36 by 40 to allow for draping. Some kits I've seen are 50 plus inches long. But I've been noticing some toddlers with quilted blankies that are around 30-36 inches square that seem just right for covering up in a lap or church pew for a quick nap.

All my kids are 4-legged, sleep on and under anything, and therefore are of no help. Any moms or grammies with ideas and opinions on size, please post!

Sharon C.

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Re: Size of crib quilts vs. blankies

Post by sapphirequilter » Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:27 pm

My grandmother made one for my children that was 42" square. That was my favorite, so that is the size I make. Babies don't stay under the crib quilts anyway. My grandchildren use theirs in the crib and out of the crib as they get old enough to take it with them.

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Re: Size of crib quilts vs. blankies

Post by auntjana » Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:33 pm

I have made many crib blankets - that is what I called them - they are the blankets that my kids, grandkids, nieces and nephews have drug around!! My mom and I have made a ton of them - my standard size is 45 x 48 inches - it fits in the crib - and it is big enough to lay on a floor for to play on and tuck around a car seat in the car. Even still my 4 y/o loves to cuddle under his baby quilt that grandma made.

I chose this size - but I do vary slightly as I like my backs to be on piece - hence the 45 wide - when I would help my mom make these for her grandchildren - we used a children's print for the front and back and added a ruffle for a little girl or prarie points for a little boy.
If the fabric is less than the 45 - most are now runnning 43 - 44 that is how wide I make them. The 48 inch length was chosen because in the "old" days - fabric stores only sold fabric in 1/4 yd or 1/3 yard increments.

So there is my quarter's worth! Good luck on what ever size you choose!! It is really up to you.

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Re: Size of crib quilts vs. blankies

Post by WeSignificant » Sun Oct 10, 2010 3:58 am

I have made some 48 x 48, the latest was 40 x 48.
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Re: Size of crib quilts vs. blankies

Post by quiltngran » Sun Oct 10, 2010 8:44 am

I just made one measuring 36x47.I really didn''''t know what size to make the quilt either. Just started sewing and liked the size at that point and stopped.

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Re: Size of crib quilts vs. blankies

Post by TheKid » Sun Oct 10, 2010 3:56 pm

The comments I get from friends that I have made "baby" blankies or quilts, all say they prefer the larger. This is due to their versility of usage. The kids love to carry them where ever they go, and surely love them with mom or dad in a rocking chair and on a cold day, they help cover whoever is rocking them. Go with what ever the material and borders tell you to do.

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Re: Size of crib quilts vs. blankies

Post by xteacher » Wed Oct 13, 2010 5:25 pm

I made my gs one width of fabric x 1 1/4 yd. which made it pretty well square. He is now carrying it to nursery school everyday in his backpack because they don't have enough cubbies. My dd says it is the perfect size for the cot.

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Re: Size of crib quilts vs. blankies

Post by DeniAZ » Sat Nov 13, 2010 1:12 pm

A good crib mattress would be tight enough in the crib that the quilt wouldn't drape over the sides. My rule of thumb is typically: Wide enough to cuddle under, small enough not to overwhelm.

I agree with the others. I use the width of backing fabric as my maximum width, and let the pattern determine length. 36 inches square is the smallest I've made, 42x60 about the largest. The smaller one was requested so that it wouldn't catch in stroller wheels, and could be tucked in a carseat.

Be sure to post pictures when you're done!

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Re: Size of crib quilts vs. blankies

Post by quilt_florida » Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:42 pm

These are all great suggestions. Thanks.
My mom just asked me to make a baby blankie for her neighbor lady whose "due" in April. Normally I'd make a baby blankie the size of one yard so it fits in the crib, but a little bigger one would prob be better. Here in Florida (for most of us) our foundations are concrete. So a little bigger blankie would allow the baby to play on a floor.
Thanks ladies.

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Re: Size of crib quilts vs. blankies

Post by Jam50 » Wed Nov 02, 2016 11:11 am

I done quilts for years .baby quilts are 36×42 and them my crib quilts are 42×54 .

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